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  1. olemiss

    Brittle Star Questions

    As long as it is not a green brittle, everything should be safe.
  2. olemiss

    Little Dragon Fish ?!?

    The docs site has them for $45. They call them "sea moths", cool little fish if you have the right set up.
  3. olemiss

    Tiger cowrie eat corals?

    Mine ate a large kenya tree within the first 24 hours in the tank.
  4. olemiss

    help ASAP, Cleaner shrimp might be pregnant???

    Those are eggs. They generally hatch at night, cool to watch if you are lucky enough to be watching. Unfortunately, they are impossible to raise but you scored some free fish food. My fire and cleaner shrimp have eggs every two weeks like clockwork.
  5. olemiss

    Blue hippo tang in a 46-gal?

    I have a 5 inch blue hippo in my 150 and could not imagine it being in anything smaller. They are an awesome fish but they require larger tanks. But if you have to have one, they are a great excuse to buy a new large tank!! Also as stated earlier, catching a fish(other than a puffer) in a DT...
  6. olemiss

    coconut crab

    Originally Posted by red crab coconut crabs are AWESOME I know they are not aquatic dose anyone know where to get one I would like to know could use some help Awesome, except that they are a terrestrial crab that can get 3 feet long. What do you do when a 3 foot crab relieves itself on your...
  7. olemiss

    Salinity High

    Have you double checked with a refractometer? Hydrometers are notoriously inaccurate.
  8. olemiss

    Coapods or whatever they are called

    Check in the "archives" forum there is a hitchhiker thread that has pics of the most commonly found critters
  9. olemiss

    harlequin tuskfish

    I've never owned one but if you get one make sure it is Australian and not from the Philipines. Australians cost a good bit more but are MUCH hardier.
  10. olemiss


    Just started back up, first issue was last month.
  11. olemiss


    I subscribe to Coral and love it. Good reading from cover to cover.
  12. olemiss

    Please ID our crab...

    Judging by the "pointy" claws, I'd banish them to the sump. I'd also make sure that it is not just a molt.
  13. olemiss

    ID Please???

    Originally Posted by Indy2009 Have you tried to scrap them off? If they are hard and do not come off it's coraline, I have the same thing on my tank is that the crazy new white dot coraline
  14. olemiss

    You got to be kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So, is your lighting 36 or 48 inch t5? Pics would be great. I can never see too many.
  15. olemiss

    A pistol shrimp comaptibilty question....

    I have a tiger pistol/pink barred goby combo with 2 fire and 1 cleaner in my 55 with no problems. The only way I know the pistol is in there is the random clicks.
  16. olemiss

    What is this?

    engineer goby
  17. olemiss

    Octopus Question
  18. olemiss

    What is this?

    I'd try to find a new LFS if they do not know what an urchin is. Just a thought.
  19. olemiss

    Do more saltwater fish have teeth compared to freshwater fish

    Originally Posted by Jabari It may seem like a weird question but i was just curious. I always liked seeing fish with teeth, or knowing that they had them. It made the fish seem tougher and meaner to me for some reason. The only fresh water fish the jumps out to me are pirahna,wolf fish...