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  1. kronnk7


    Thanks guys, the fish list is cool. I was thinking about a firefish and a jawfish. But I looked around on some info sites and I couldn't find out if they would be ok together. Does anyone know if those two would be ok together? I also found out about the mandrian right after I posted the first...
  2. kronnk7


    I have some mushrooms, poylps, and zoos coming. They are supposed to be here wed. I'm just trying to figure out what fish would be cool. I do like clowns but I have a percula in my big tank. And I want something new and different.
  3. kronnk7

    Starting off in thw wonderful world of salt water..

    Look at this site. The ach. have a lot of info to help you get started. :jumping:
  4. kronnk7


    I have a 55 gal. but I wanted something that would be a challenge.
  5. kronnk7

    Is Nano A & B by Kent the Answer?

    pclown I agree with you. If you set things up right and keep an eye everything you don't need to put chems in.
  6. kronnk7


    ok, I'm still trying to find a nice fish for my 10 gal. And I don't want a watchman goby or something like that. any suggestions?
  7. kronnk7

    Newbie: Need Advice Please on 10 g

    I have a 10 gallon. My lights are coralife compacts 96watt 4 tube. I filter with a fluval 105 and have a 50 watt titanium heater. To keep the algea under control I have 8 snails,9 hermits, and two sallylightfoots. I feed them once a day to make sure they do eat but they usually pick at the 25-30...
  8. kronnk7


    Hey guys has anyone put a mand. drag. in a small tank like a 10 gal? If so did it do ok? They say you should keep one in a tank smaller than a 30 gallon. :thinking:
  9. kronnk7

    Lol my Clarkii's crazy

    Hey don't feel bad I have a velvet damsel that likes to be talked to. I know what you're talking about with the clown. My little percula clown use to try to feed my live rock. :notsure:
  10. kronnk7

    For Sale: 55 Gal Setup Northern Indiana

    hey man it's me again. Would you be interested in selling me the lighting with the canopy?
  11. kronnk7

    new to the saltwater scene I think inserted this right. Read this it was a life saver for me. " The saltwater bible "
  12. kronnk7

    Big Problem

    I use water and just a little soap. Make sure you rinse very well. NEVER use bleach it's like rat poison for fish tanks.
  13. kronnk7

    Starting off in thw wonderful world of salt water..

    Welcome!!! Well, if I was you do ALOT of research. I really didn't when I first started and I wish I would have. Take your time, be patient, and don't rush your tank. If you want fish only you could go with a lot of different kinds of filters. I have a 55 gal. with about 70 lbs. of lr about 30...
  14. kronnk7

    Why are my snails dying!!!

    Have you tested your copper levels?
  15. kronnk7

    Random Thougt

    Sorry My Way I jumped the gun a little. I just think this a very good thread, like you said it's a way for someone to vent a little. I also was taken by lfs when I first started out. I didn't have the resources to do much research then. The tank id card is a great idea! I agree that swt are some...
  16. kronnk7

    medication for ich???????

    Hi I've also heard that you can use garlic oil, you let their food soak in it and then feed it to them. Garlic is a natural way and it doesn't hurt any animals in the tank. You can squeeze some of the juice out of a clove or they have some for sell on this site.
  17. kronnk7

    Random Thougt

    my way I think you are rude and if you didn't have anything nice to say why did you talk? Very nice thread. ( random conversation) :joy:
  18. kronnk7

    hermit crab

    Hi coco, Just remember that hermits are your best friends in the saltwater world.
  19. kronnk7

    For Sale: 55 Gal Setup Northern Indiana

    Hey man, That's really nice I also have a 55 gal. (not quiet that prof. YET) My lfs kinda lead me into a money pit when I first started. I'm finally getting it back under control. I live in Richmond, IN. I'd love to have that setup to start over but I'm not sure.
  20. kronnk7

    Cleaning my tank. Need some input.

    I have to agree with sinner. Just take it out and hose it down, and rinse it really good.