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  1. salty blues

    Im voting republican but BOY is Sarah Palins accent and voice annoying!

    I suspect this thread has gotten a wee bit off topic.
  2. salty blues

    2nd presidential debate

    Originally Posted by reefraff If the mainstream media picks up the ACORN story maybe. Here you have a group with numerous cases of voter fraud and the damned Democrats are still trying to give them money. The mainstream media(FoxNews excepted) is in the tank for the dems & obama. They likely...
  3. salty blues

    tomato clown hosting

    These two tomatoes became hostees for my condy within a few hours of their introduction to the tank.
  4. salty blues

    Undecided voters?

    I cannot for the life of me understand undecided voters. How can one be undecided when there are such glaring differences in ideology and philosophy between the two major political parties. Is it just plain ignorance? I mean, are these people basing their vote on the candidate's looks and/or...
  5. salty blues

    middle class and taxes

    I hear and understand all these problems. The fact is though that life ain't always fair to everybody all the time. If that were the case we would all be in the Garden of Eden. You can't depend on the government to save you. You just do the best you can and help someone less fortunate if you are...
  6. salty blues

    For McCain supporters only

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman The McCain campaign walked a fine tightrope.... First, they saw how Obama was made of teflon in the media's eyes when he was running against Hillary. So they know that won't work. What i would like to see are 30 second commericals running comments by Obama...
  7. salty blues

    NFL Week-how did your team do?

    Originally Posted by Whitey DUDE !!! You're posting in a football thread, and make a ridiculous comment and expect it not to get a reply? I don't know nor do I care how much you follow sports. I'm not attacking you, just your comment. I'm sure you're a very pleasant person, but this is a...
  8. salty blues

    NFL Week-how did your team do?

    Originally Posted by Whitey I hope this is a joke. Dude, lighten up. I'm was just trying to join in with all the macho football discussion. I'll be the first to admit that I am no pro sports expert. At best, I am a casual fan. I take many things way more seriously than the NFL.
  9. salty blues

    For McCain supporters only

    Who else thinks McCain/Palin should get tough and quit being so dang nice? They are still in the hunt, but they need to get agressive and start playing hardball. Do you agree?
  10. salty blues

    NFL Week-how did your team do?

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 Dude, no offense, but that would be like me bragging that we beat well the lions. We'll take whatever we can get. No offense taken btw.
  11. salty blues

    NFL Week-how did your team do?

    Originally Posted by Whitey He's consistently mentioned in the top five QBs in the league. Where do you think he deserves to be, the top? Sure, why not?
  12. salty blues

    NFL Week-how did your team do?

    Saints gave the 49'ers a whoopin'. The Deuce was back and it showed. So many starters are injured it's almost like a new team, but Brees is the man. IMO most underrated QB in the NFL.
  13. salty blues

    im leaving the boards.

    Originally Posted by alix2.0 geeze guys... no words of encouragement? thankss. =) See? You replied to your own thread which said you were staying away. I knew you couldn't do it!
  14. salty blues

    im leaving the boards.

    Say it ain't so. Please re-think this hasty decision! Why torture yourself this way?
  15. salty blues

    Im voting republican but BOY is Sarah Palins accent and voice annoying!

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 There is a difference between country, and redkneck. Redkneck is half way between country and white trash. they start liking big and rich, maybe drive a v-6 camero, get a tattoo. A little more trashy. Goes to church on holidays. You forgot that you must have a...
  16. salty blues

    Im voting republican but BOY is Sarah Palins accent and voice annoying!

    Originally Posted by DragonZim Just wait till McCain has his 5th heart attack and she becomes the President! She alone is going to keep me from voting for McCain. So you don't actually have any political ideology?
  17. salty blues

    What clowns will host a haitan anemone

    This little tomato cozied up to my pink tip a few hours after I put the clown in my tank. They are still honeymooning.
  18. salty blues

    Ever tasted skimmate?

    Originally Posted by Keebler Am I the only idiot who has done this? Yes, I'm afraid you are.
  19. salty blues

    What's wrong with the church today?

    Originally Posted by Jmick How long after the death of Jesus was the first book written? How could it be that something as grand as the resurrection of Jesus would not have been captured at the time it happened and why did it take 20-50 years after to be written down? Furthermore, how can it...
  20. salty blues

    Thank You Satan

    As surely as there is night and day, satan is alive and well on this earth. We all deal with satan every day of our lives, whether we realize it or not. God help us all.