Search results

  1. rubberduck

    Quick look into my Pride and Joy...

    Hey take a quick look and tell me what you think..
  2. rubberduck

    Seahorse Keepers - Please Check in Here

    screen name: Rubberduck experience: many years of helping local fishstore and much information Species helped keep: many different but mostly minature Self said experience: moderate
  3. rubberduck

    New Coral + One

    hey post a whole thread updating your tank. I have waited too LONG lol :cheer: :thinking: Lets see your tank and all your million zoos
  4. rubberduck

    2 Friends with showing off their reefs

    Me and a close friend of mine got into reef keeping and have both been through the hard and rewarding times and we are still here. We both have 55 gallon tanks. I have 2 150watt mh and 192 watts actinic Aqua c remora skimmer 2 powerheads 75 pounds Live rock deep sand bed clams,montipora,and...
  5. rubberduck

    new setup! comments!

    Those are some of Thee crazyist micro shots i have yet to see. Seriously ***) great rockwork and i love the renovation to the tank. All looks good and good luck as hopefully everything does even better as your tank progresses. :happyfish
  6. rubberduck

    Photo Contest - Win a $100 order

    who won?
  7. rubberduck

    Photo Contest - Win a $100 order

    these are some classics of mine, my dad has the angle but the rest are mine. Last day everyone lets see everyone get in if they want. :cheer: :cheer: wow it has been awhile since i posted here. Hi everyone.
  8. rubberduck

    Cowboys or Colts

    Originally Posted by TX Reef You people are nuts. Ya'll are talking the same crap that everyone else has all year. The Colts can't win without Edgerrin, the Colts won't have a running game, Manning can't win the big game (this one is pretty true so far :mad: ), etc.... The fact is, the Colts may...
  9. rubberduck

    Picture Contest for newbies

    hey im up for the year contest, i think that would be cool. I would be willing to be a judge if that works out. I enjoy my tank but it is still in the works. SO hey start the thread and save a judge spot for me. travis wow and 2 years on this board has gone fast.
  10. rubberduck

    Long Spined Urchin- Reef Safe? Or am i being stupid?

    Do NoT******* i had one and well, i had clams being stabbed to death from spines. It killed 3 clams before i knew what happened. take my heed and understand they will stab soft coral and clams, i regret the death of the clams. hope all goes well
  11. rubberduck

    Any Halo2 FANS

    yep 37 in slayer and 23 in everything else hey send my new account friend request oO Fiji Oo
  12. rubberduck

    You Camera Crazy Folks With Nice Tanks

    Originally Posted by oceana just search my name. you can use any pictures you want. you will find 100's. even videos that was very generous oceana and yeah i wil post some if the pics turn out i will try tommorow
  13. rubberduck

    Key West and tide pools

    Well in the past i have seen pictures of some tide polls either in the florida keys or somwhere in florida. I am going on a vacation in 2 days and im wandering if anyone knows of an tidepools anywhere accessable from florida. Please help asap. thx travis
  14. rubberduck

    Best Tank Contest!

    how come saltwater8, your page says that you dont have have a favorite coral and that you keep a fish only with live rock. you only wrote that in feb of this year too, and i bet you would definatly brag that you had coral if that realy was your tank. Hey lets see some specs and more pics than.
  15. rubberduck

    anyone from INDIANA?

    yep i love premium aquatics......nuff' said.
  16. rubberduck

    New Additions

    Originally Posted by mag395 6. I think a Derasa clam very cool but thats a squamosa clam not a derasea
  17. rubberduck

    what our some Must see stops to the keys

    anyone know at all?
  18. rubberduck

    Coral Identification

    looks like a type of coldwater rock anenemie and they need lots of current and like 60 degree water. Also im not sure completly.
  19. rubberduck

    2700 gallon aquarium pics

    hey anytime will you post a update? it is the best tank and im sure you have added to it. Ltes See IT.
  20. rubberduck

    what our some Must see stops to the keys

    hey guys long time no see but i was wandering about some must see stops from around georgia to the Florida Keys. I am going with my family this summer and i am planing it. We will stop at the Georgia aquarium and am mostly looking for more in the saltwater theme as that is the theme of the trip...