Search results

  1. sula

    10 gallon tank what type of clown and anemone to put in it?

    I have 2 ocellaris clowns in a 10g tank. One is black and white, the other orange and white. I like the fact that they are both ocellaris, so are compatible, but because of the 2 colors, they "look" like 2 different species of clownfish. I also considered an anemone but ruled it out for such a...
  2. sula

    Cpr Bak-pak 2 Skimmer

    007 - what's your monthly cleaning routine? Do you take the skimmer completely off the tank and rinse everything out or what?
  3. sula

    Why are they dieing?

    Maybe he just found another shell to call home...
  4. sula

    choosing coral for a 10 gallon???

    You can search on CoraLife Aqualight 96 quad
  5. sula


    Well, I can't get to it on the web without a paid web subscription. (I get a paper copy at work)
  6. sula


    There was a fascinating article in the Wall Street Journal today which said that the extensive coral reefs surrounding the Maldives actually saved them from total devastation, apparently absorbing the force of the tsunami underwater instead of on the land. So far, the reefs do not appear to be...
  7. sula

    Clown in a 10??

  8. sula

    Clown in a 10??

    I have 2 clowns in my 10, and that's it for fish.
  9. sula

    Saltwater Aquariums 101: Lighting

    Since I am a newbie and therefore your target audience, let me ask this: If PAR is the relevant number, how does one figure out what PAR each type of light provides? Is there a target value for PAR that each type of coral requires? What would be great would be a translation between Watts per...
  10. sula

    Saltwater Aquariums 101: Lighting

    Since I am a newbie and therefore your target audience, let me ask this: If PAR is the relevant number, how does one figure out what PAR each type of light provides? Is there a target value for PAR that each type of coral requires? What would be great would be a translation between Watts per...
  11. sula

    Clown Hosting Question

    Maybe a toadstool?
  12. sula

    1/2 a shrimp for a 12g?

    LOL - sorry, couldn't resist I used a half a shrimp to cycle my 29g, it was gone in 4 days but worked out great :)
  13. sula

    The Official Overstocked Nano Thread

    Is there some kind of prize for that?
  14. sula

    1/2 a shrimp for a 12g?

    are you cycling or stocking?
  15. sula

    choosing coral for a 10 gallon???

    Originally posted by 22CADDY A ten gallon is too small for an anemone. I agree
  16. sula

    Buying Live Rock

    Most sites seem to sell in bigger quantities, probably because the shipping alone will kill ya. You could either try the classifieds on this site, sometimes people want to get rid of some rock....or, there's always "that popular auction site"
  17. sula

    tank sizes?

    I completely agree with Dacia. Also, your live rock IS your biological filtration.....get about 1# per gallon.
  18. sula


    Is the rock they gave you live rock or base rock? Any sand, gravel or crushed coral covering the bottom?
  19. sula


    Do you have any test kits for monitoring your cycle? And what else in the tank right now with the sacrificial free fish?
  20. sula

    choosing coral for a 10 gallon???

    I have the same lights with green star polyps and xenia