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  1. sula

    white fuzzy tube-like growth on liverock

    mini feather dusters maybe?
  2. sula

    how to install a power compact?

    You need either a 30 inch complete unit that will fit over your tank or a 24 inch retro kit if you are installing into a canopy.
  3. sula

    PC vs VHO

    So if it were you making the choice, which would you prefer, an IceCap ballast with only one power cord, or a PFO with two?
  4. sula

    PC vs VHO

    No, the one I'm considering has two different power cords...
  5. sula

    PC vs VHO

    But there seem to be an awful lot of people who time their actinics on a different schedule than their "white" bulbs....
  6. sula

    PC vs VHO

    I know everyone loves the IceCap ballasts, but does anyone have opinions on the PFO ballasts? PFO has a ballast which also runs 4 bulbs at a slightly lower cost, with the advantage of having two on/off switches, giving much more control over timing of the lights. Basically it comes down to...
  7. sula

    PC vs VHO

    I'm about to make a similar purchase for my 29g. Bang Guy, since the IceCap runs the bulbs cooler, can you skip the fan? Also, is a reflector necessary? Wax32, I found a site selling a 24" 3 bulb setup, {edit}
  8. sula

    hair algae on polyps

    Take a clean, never used toothbrush and gently brush it off. (The toothbrush can kindof "grab" the algae right near the base, you should be able to do this with minimal to no contact with the polyps)
  9. sula


    Effloresce: I know of one guy in your area, wonder if is the same one you use - can you email more info to me? {edit} Thanks
  10. sula

    FINALLY we got fish^_^

    Do you have any corals yet? You could put some polyps or a leather coral in...
  11. sula


    Originally posted by Effloresce and this weekend im going to get some lime green ones and yellow ones. im so excited. Effloresce: Do you have a local source for Ricordea? (sorry for the hijack)
  12. sula

    Freshwater Algae Tablets Okay For SW?

    Well, I tried the same thing but so far the LMB has no interest...
  13. sula

    Cycle fish and coral...your opinions please

    My 29 g is 2 months old now. Once my cycle was done, I added some snails and then my first fish was a Yellow Watchman Goby. Since then, I have added a Maroon Clownfish, a Lawnmower Blenny, Emerald Crab, Porcelain Crab, and Mushrooms. I think Xenia would be fine, also consider green star polyps...
  14. sula

    lighting for anemones, soft corals

    I know exactly what you mean - there's a LOT of gray area, and some people really seem to feel that MH is the only way to go. However it also seems that VHO works just fine as long as you have enough watts per gallon. I think an LTA is not too terribly demanding - did you check out the "if you...
  15. sula

    lighting for anemones, soft corals

    I think you worry more about your corals when increasing the light - as you say, the fish can always move to a shady spot if they need to. Do you happen to know what type of anemone your clown was using as a host in the store?
  16. sula

    CPR BAKPAK 2 Questions?

    I also have a Bak Pak 2 - it came with a "pre-skimmer" box which I believe helps to reduce the bubbles.
  17. sula

    lighting for anemones, soft corals

    Oh and one more thing - if your long-term goal is an anemone you may need to consider MH lighting. A lot depends upon what type of anemone you'd like, as some require more light than others. Now is a good time to consider that, rather than after you buy the lights, only to realize that it's not...
  18. sula

    lighting for anemones, soft corals

    Well, you actually may end up wanting more options than what your LFS offers. May want to research whats available on-line. One name brand you could do a search on is Coralife Aqualight - that'll give you some hits to websites that sell a whole variety of light hoods.
  19. sula

    lighting for anemones, soft corals

    I would recommend one of those units that includes everything, and get the legs to lift it a little up from your water surface. If you're worried about your cat going fishing, you could get a glass top.
  20. sula

    Base Rock ?

    Is there an LFS nearby, and do they carry rock? I used Tufa for mine.