Yeah today four polyps were extended.
I have a alk and a ph test kit.
What is so great with the Red Sea.
Ok i am 14 yrs old. I am looking for a job.
was fired from my first job after 20 minutes because I am not a very large teenager. I was the dishwasher if you would like to know.
Are you trying to say that I was an idiot and did not take the proper precauctions.
I read on how to take care of it,
I have caps on the power heads.
The anemone found its own place to root and stay.
It is not my fault it decided to move when I went on vaca.
And I am not the reason for...
I had my neighbor take care of the tank but my brother was the one that noticed the anemone.
For Feeding I put small amounts of every kind of food I have and put them into to bags and inot the freezer. I feed every other day. Then I hid the rest of the food and typed out a sheet of what to do...
Salinity is usually 1.023 but sometimes goes to .024 and .022.
The last time alk was checked it was 2 ppm but since then I have dosed 5 gallons of kalk.
I do not have a calc tester.
What have I done wrong?
It is about half way up the tank and in moderate current. pH 8.2 but goes up to around 8.4 after dosing kalk. Ammonia 0
nitrate 0
nitrite 0
phosphate .1ish.
three 55 watt pc two white one actinic.
I have lightly scrubbed it a couple of times due to some hair algae but it...
I would ditch the cc now instead of later. I did what you did and it was a pain in the ass especially once you get corals.
I would also get more lr if you can about a 100 more pounds.
We went on our boat to P Town Mass and it must have been sucked up by the protein skimmmer. Found a couple bits and pieces but chucked them.
Guess that is what you get for having an inexperienced person watching over you tank.
Adam :( :( :(
I had used the kalk yesterday becuase the water level was so LOW that bubbles were being shot into the tank from the sump pump.
I HAVE done research and I even read the directions on the Kalk container and for the aquadose
Is it green is it long does it have big ugly eyes. If the answer is yes then for fishes sake Kill him. It is a mantis.
Look it up and find a pic. I think this sight sells one look under shrimp in the shoping section.
No do not add corals. It takes at least a month to cycle. The film on the top of the water is just a by product from fish food and you if you put your hands in the tank for cleaning. Your ammonia is high.
The reason for the brown colour on the substrate is just algae. It is normal.
Sounds great. If It were me I would most likely buy the Berlin Turbo XL.
You should have no problem with the hermits. Blue legs are usually about the size of a finger nail and do not grow unless you give them a shell to grow into.
Good luck and Welcome to the board.
Also think about getting some...
Poke him, smash him, crack his shell, boil him, chuck him. Do what is takes to get the
out. You do not want to take chances they can crack the glass with one blow.
Have fun.
Adam :D