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  1. salisbury a d

    Help High pH!!!!

    Ok Saturday I mixed the kalk and never used it that day. I finall put it into the aquadose aroun 5 pm yesterday. What I did was I had mixed 2.5 gallons and used three tsp. I siphoned it out in the middle. when the water level was about a cm that was when I stopped. But during the filling process...
  2. salisbury a d

    Help High pH!!!!

    I just dosed my first time with Kalkwasser and my pH is somewhere between 8.4 and 8.8 :eek: . How do I get it to come down, a water change????? :confused: I was wondering why my mushrooms were shedding there mucus all day so I did a test and the ph has gone up. It is usually at 8.2. HELP...
  3. salisbury a d

    What do you feed an anemone?

    Thanks. Where should I be able to buy the silversides? Adam
  4. salisbury a d

    What do you feed an anemone?

    I have had one for about a month and a half and it refuses all food. I have tried flakes, frozen brine, live brine, angel formula frozen food, and something called mega marine. It is frozen and is a combination of ocean plankton krill shrimp sea uchin sea worms clam mussel squid sea algae...
  5. salisbury a d

    Its dead, its all dead.... (by the way this is long)

    I would suggest that you scrap the live rock that you baught previously since it is most likely dead. If you have tufa rock as base rock, scrap that two because I have heard it is like a sponge and soaks up everything. Ask your parents for money and do a LARGE water change. *******DO A LOT OF...
  6. salisbury a d


    I think that the reason it was "sick" was because it was getting ready to split and the inexperience lfs manager didn't know what was up and wasn't going to risk the rest of the stock. My mushrooms are always splitting and at first they look terrible and then boom two healthy pieces. Adam
  7. salisbury a d

    Brine Shrimp worthless as food?

    I usually raise brine shrimp as a treat for my fish, but they are a pain in the ass to keep alive. The lfs sells a cup of live brine for .8. But then it is a few bucks worth of gas to get to the store, especially because it is at the other end of the damn state. Don't mind me im just baord. Adam
  8. salisbury a d

    Ahhhh! Tank water blew up. I'll be back soon!!

    You said you dose it as in using an aquadose. I just add it strait to the tank two capfuls a week since I got my first coral around the begining of January and have not had a problem or high test results. ** I did though for a while have my skimmer extract a blueish green colour liquid. But that...
  9. salisbury a d

    LionFish in a Reef tank?

    Not a good mix. They will eat fish and crustaceans and need a lot of swimming space. Adam
  10. salisbury a d

    Mushroom fell off!

    Mushrooms can reproduce asexually, meaning they seperate into two. Most likely this will happen in the spring. You can notice when it is about to seperate. If it is not a hairy mushroon you should be able to see two mouths and that will soon become two. Also If it is a hairy mushroom mine look...
  11. salisbury a d

    Water changes

    How often should I be doing water changes. I have been doing a 15-20% water change every other week like everyone here says but I read in the book The New Marine Aquarium by Michael S. Paletta that you should do 5% every other week. He says here that Other equally successful aquarists have...
  12. salisbury a d


    How about these options: One full spectrum and two 50/50 Or One full spectrum and two actinic. Adam
  13. salisbury a d


    I will be buying new bulbs soon and was wondering, can I get all actinic bulbs or will that not look good? How about one actinic and two 50/50? I have 3 pc's at 55 watts each. Adam
  14. salisbury a d

    Updated pics!

    Crap! My tank is older and does not look that good. What is your secret? Adam
  15. salisbury a d


    What do I do with the powdery white stuff? How often should I use the kalkwasser. Every day for evaporation? Do I leave the protein skimmer running or do I turn it off or down? Adam
  16. salisbury a d


    I just ordered the Kent AquaDose and the Kent Kalkwasser mix. How do I do this now I need help? I purchased the 450 g jar and the 2.5 gallon aquadose. My tank is well listed below. How do I figure out the drip rate? And are there any rules or precautions to mixing water and kalk? I want to do...
  17. salisbury a d

    Recommended Fish for Small tank

    You may not like my answer but I believe you should not add any more fish. Your tank is small and you do not want to over load it. Remember fish grow and percs get to be around 3 inches. Also the clown is part of the damsel family and when established are very territorial. Adam
  18. salisbury a d

    Hi, New Member here! Got pics and need help!

    Originally posted by BlueWater: [QB]We bought our first tentacle anemone last week. It died 2 days later due to getting sucked up into the powerhead :( You should look into buying strainer caps for your powerheads. Adam
  19. salisbury a d

    Cleaning used reptile tank

    Empty the water out of the tank but keep it damp. The use Kosher Salt to clean. Just use your hand. I find it does a good job becuase it is so course. Adam
  20. salisbury a d

    Newbie to Saltwater...please help!!

    I have the same tank. What lighting do you have. Some people at stores have told me that the bow distorts the image to much But I do not mind. What I hate most is it is so hard to get a good lighting system to fit on it. Adam