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  1. salisbury a d

    Newbie to Saltwater...please help!!

    Forgot to ask. What size is your tank??? Adam :D
  2. salisbury a d

    Newbie to Saltwater...please help!!

    Welcome. Slow down! Rule #1. It sounds what you need is a few good books. Go to a book store, library and even the pet store and pick up some books. The slower you go and the more you know the better off your little reef will be. You say you have live rock (lr) and it is going to be fish only...
  3. salisbury a d

    If it was your choice

    I have read that some people fill a 30 gallon garbage can. Is this for one water change because of a large tank or are they planning ahead and mixing water for the next few changes? Adam Thanks for the replies
  4. salisbury a d


    I am still confused. :confused: :rolleyes: :(
  5. salisbury a d

    If it was your choice

    Now would which would you choose: the kent marine Maxxima ro unit 1) r.o.35 hi-s 35 gpd 2) R.O.60 hi-s 60 gpd 3) t.o.120 hi-s 120 gpd 4) Max35 hi-s 35 gpd 5) max60 hi-s 60 gpd the kent marin mazzima r.o./d.i. unit 1) Maxxima R.O./di. 24gpd 2) Maxxima ro/di 50 gpd The kent marine full size ro...
  6. salisbury a d

    If it was your choice

    The corals are two colonies of muchrooms (stripped and hairy) Green lace gorgonian, an unidentified cup coral, two unidentified polyps, one branch cualestea, a small anemone about an inch in diameter, and a feather duster. Curently the test are nitrate 0 nitrite 0 ph 8.2 ammonia 0 phostphates .1...
  7. salisbury a d

    If it was your choice

    If it was your choice would you Upgrade your lighting system? Or Get and ro/di unit? Thanks Adam
  8. salisbury a d

    the best skimmer

    I would get the Belin Turbo Classic Because it can be put into the cabnet where you can not see it and it will cut down on sound. Someone mentioned the prizm, I do not recamend it. I have it and it is loud. Adam
  9. salisbury a d


    Is it really needed in a tank and why does it have to be dripped in. If I get it then does that mean I have to have one of those ugly containers obove my tank to do so. Remember my tank is in my living room, the room everyone goes to when they enter the house. Does the kalkwasser container come...
  10. salisbury a d


    Habitat: Seahorses rquire a "quiet" aquarium where they wil not be bothered by boisterous fish that may also deprive them of food. Plenty of anchorage points should be provided in the form of gorponians, sea fan skeletons and algae. Seahorses may kill live gorgoians, se whis or sea fans owing to...
  11. salisbury a d

    Thanks Red Sea you have been a GREAT HELP!

    Sorry if I was rude I had a bad night. Any way I think I will send back the skimmer and save for a Belin. Adam
  12. salisbury a d

    Thanks Red Sea you have been a GREAT HELP!

    The NEW impeller came today. Are all you people that have the prizm stupid. ( no offense.) The the "new" impeller is the same as the old one. 18 blades. It is a new impeller as in not been used instead of improved from the old one. It does not cut down on the sound or make it a more water sound...
  13. salisbury a d


    Yes I have corals: Two colonies of mushrooms one star burst a green lace gorgonian one branch caulestrea (sp) some kind of cup coral and two unidentified polyps. If I do add kalwasser is it still necissary to add reef calcium. I use the product made by SeaChem? What is the best brand of...
  14. salisbury a d


  15. salisbury a d


    What is it? What does it do? Do I need it? Thanks in advance. Adam
  16. salisbury a d

    the wrong coraline is taking over!!!

    BurnNSPY, I also have white coroline and it is spready but very slowly. It came in on a mushroom rock. Adam
  17. salisbury a d

    Cheap Fish Tanks?

    All-Glass Aquarium makes a silicone sealant. I picked it up at Wal*Mart in the fish dept. Adam
  18. salisbury a d

    Cheap Fish Tanks?

    Keep an eye on your lfs. Mine had a tank I believe 80 gallons with a stand a hood with built in mh lighing also a sump and built in over flow that was pre drilled. All for an amazingly low 395$. The owner was moving and couldn't take it. :eek: :eek: Adam
  19. salisbury a d

    Prism Skimmer Propeller

    You don't have to email Red Sea I called the number on the back of the skimmer manual. Beth my lfs has a quit ho skimmer but many people say they do not like it. It is the SeaClone. I saw it and it looked pretty eficiant. Adam
  20. salisbury a d

    The Prizm

    I bought one and have had it set up since Fri. It is very loud and have called the company and they should have sent it out today. So far the skimmer has proved very insoficiant. Because it creates to many micro bubbles I have to keep the flow regulator at "off". This causes it to still function...