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  1. shnabbles

    Supliments to add?

    Im just starting to add some soft corals to my 55 gallon.. I just added a piece of rock with about 25 zoo polyps on it. So far i have: -Seachem Reef Complete, raises Calcium maintains magnesium and Strontium -Kent Marine Iodine - Kent Marine phytoplex (aquacultured marine phytoplankton - kent...
  2. shnabbles

    Kenya Tree ?'s

    Ya i thought that was alittle crazy and he was just trying to sell off some of his crappy store stock lol
  3. shnabbles

    Kenya Tree ?'s

    I was going to buy a very small frag at a LFS today, he told me it was $35.00 and i had to feed it oyster eggs? and a small cup of this stuff was $25.00! 1. i think the price of the frag was SKY HIGH ami right? 2. What do they eat, do they really eat oyster eggs?
  4. shnabbles

    getting rid of damsels?

    After my cycle i had to remove all of my rocks to catch them.... which totally sucked!
  5. shnabbles

    calcium test

    I just tested my tank with a red sea calcium test... i added almost 30 drops of the calcium to the tube and the water was still pink instead of orange... i stopped because i didnt want to waste all of the calcium drops.... Does this mean my calcium is very very very low? No worries i dont have...
  6. shnabbles

    Will angels eat my polyps?

    I have a bi-color angel and what my wife was told was a juvenile emporer angel.. Cant really tell so many juvy angels are black white and blue..... but anyway will they eat poylps mushrooms and other little corals?
  7. shnabbles

    my new lawnmower!

    skirrbby your gf is hot! Your LMB will take to regular food. Mine tries to eat everything in the tank.. Mainly its flake food though. They are quite the character lol.
  8. shnabbles

    My 300Gal In Wall

    Absolutely awsome, when we move id love to do a inwall set up.
  9. shnabbles

    peppermint shrimp

    oh, maybe it was my angels then lol.... wish i knew that before i bought 2 anglels :mad: I bought a rock from a LFS that had some mushrooms and polyp stars on it... with in a week the mushrooms were gone, and another week the star polyps were gone
  10. shnabbles

    Id Please

    thanks bigarn? Bristle worms are benificial right?? Its the only 1 iv seen in 8 months, do you know how they reproduce? A sexually or do they need a partner?
  11. shnabbles

    peppermint shrimp

    wont peppermint shrimp eat some star poylps?
  12. shnabbles

    Id Please

    I woke up sunday to my power head blasting sand all around the tank... after fixing the power head and pushing the sand back to it was level i noticed this red serpent/worm like thing about an inch and a half long violently slithering/swimming through the water... I couldnt really see if it had...
  13. shnabbles

    How do i keep the current at lower depths?

    Ok i just added a 3rd maxi jet that iv been using to mix the salt water prior to adding it to the tank so now im at about 900 gallons. I actually have been still running carbon but i just unplugged it, and plan on removing it unless crap starts floating all over the place. (just cant grasp not...
  14. shnabbles

    How do i keep the current at lower depths?

    I will look into adding 2 more very soon. Yes the Maxi Jet 1200's put out 295gph and run on 20 watts of power.
  15. shnabbles

    How do i keep the current at lower depths?

    The maxi jets i have do 295 gallons per hour... So do get 1200 gallons per hour of turn over i should have 4 of these 1200's in a 55 gallon tank?
  16. shnabbles

    How do i keep the current at lower depths?

    I just got a Aqura Remora? Protein skimmer. Does a much much better job then my old seaclone does. Is 2 maxi jet 1200's enough in a 55 gallon tank? I was pointing the power heads down i just lowered them they were 2-3 inches below the surface... I lowered 1 to about half way down and kept the...
  17. shnabbles

    How do i keep the current at lower depths?

    Ok iv had my tank up since October.. recently i had a out break of red hair algae... iv cut back the lights, cut back the feeding and im trying to put some more current at the bottom of the tank. I guess it was next to no current before because my flowerpot would barely wave. I have to maxi jet...
  18. shnabbles

    Do Horse Shoe Crabs Molt?

    I ask because i found what looks like a molt of my little guy about a month or so ago... And havent seen him since... He would usually occasionally surface for a little while a couple times a week swim/craw around.. But like i said he has been MIA for a while?
  19. shnabbles

    Do power heads wear out?

    i was just put my finger in front of my maxi jet 1200 and it doesnt seem as strong as it once was... do power heads wear out or need to be replaced? iv only head the power heads sice October.
  20. shnabbles

    What anenome can i get with this lighting?

    sorry its a 55 gallon tank