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  1. shnabbles

    Dissapearing clown?

    This morning I had 2 small clowns... I woke up this morning to find the smaller one in the sabea anenome for the first time.. we add the sabea anenomie 2 days ago so i was happy to see him in there... He seemed to be sleeping in it because he wasnt moving around... for fear he might of been dead...
  2. shnabbles

    Pink Tip Anenome deflating???

    82 degrees... i plan on having better anenomies these were cheaper and i figured a good starter.
  3. shnabbles

    Pink Tip Anenome deflating???

    Wednesday i added 2 small pink tip anenome... 1 has short thicker arms the 2nd has longer skinnier arms... Well yesturday the 2nd one started to look like the arms were deflating or becoming very flat.. i checked the PH it was low so i added some buffer... the anenome completely closed up and...
  4. shnabbles

    LMB likes to "get sucked"

    ya its definently funny:hilarious:
  5. shnabbles

    LMB likes to "get sucked"

    This seemed very weird to me... but iv been watching my Lawn mower blennie for the past 30 minutes and he is swimming up to filter intake and getting sucked against the intake... at first i was very conserned but after watching him remove himself and go right back for it i can only assume he...
  6. shnabbles

    Pink Tip Anenome??

    Well i did give it half a FROSEN block of brine... i put it right in the center and it grabbed hold and pulled it in... ate it and looks fine..... BUT i think i will try and get something solid in the future.
  7. shnabbles

    Pink Tip Anenome??

    what about frozen brine shrimp?
  8. shnabbles

    Pink Tip Anenome??

    im talking about this guy
  9. shnabbles

    Pink Tip Anenome??

    What do you guys recommend for hand feeding these guys? ALSO How long should it take for it to host a clown?
  10. shnabbles

    where are the shrimp?

    Ya all of my shrimp come out of hiding when the lights go out... And when they are the cleaner and fire shrimp hang out under this over hang upside down cleaning fish that visit them :jumping:
  11. shnabbles

    Moving an Anemone

    grab it with you hand and get ready for a stinging good time:D
  12. shnabbles

    Lost a little clown want to add another but.

    The other night my wife brought home 2 small perc clowns about an 1inch and half long each i guess..... she thought one of them looked wierd the following day.. i didnt think so he was swimming with the other clown all day but his top dorsal fin never went up at all and the other clowns dorsal...
  13. shnabbles

    Scooter Blenny / Microfauna

    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: I see them i see them :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
  14. shnabbles

    Scooter Blenny / Microfauna

    How small are we talking? like pencil lead small or even smaller then that... i havent noticed anything as of yet :(
  15. shnabbles

    Scooter Blenny / Microfauna

    My wife really wants a scooter blenny but our tank has only been set up about a month... We have 20lbs of LS and 60 pounds of BS... we also have about 15lbs of LR and 50lbs of BR. We do not have a fuge, and i think would like to avoid one. (not really sure what one is though) From what i...
  16. shnabbles

    Mandarin Goby help

    Do you think in just a few hours time he could be starving to death already? LFS by us has like 15 Mandarins in a tank for sale with no LR at all... i wonder what they feed them.
  17. shnabbles

    True - False Percs????

    i got them from the same LFS... chances are they are both either true or false right?
  18. shnabbles

    True - False Percs????

    Im still kinda new, what is the difference between a true and false perc? and how can you tell the difference?
  19. shnabbles

    Dead snail

    na its still right side up in the same place i left him this morning..... only have 3 scarlet hermits right now
  20. shnabbles

    Dead snail

    This morning i found a Funnel Snail on its side in front of some LR... I thought it was odd so i picked him up and put him back on his side and went to work.. I thought it was weird, how did he get on his side? He's been in there a week and has spent 90% of his time on the Rocks and Glass...