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  1. shnabbles

    Flying Sabea anenomie

    I have 2 sabea anenomie 1 of which has found a home nicely between 2 rocks... not to much current but has been there for more then a week... the 2nd peice larger and newer cant seem to find a place it likes... half the time its flying around the tank. Any ideas as to why it wont grab on and stay...
  2. shnabbles

    lawnmower blenny w/ damsels

    when i added my lawn mower blenny the damsels just starred at him like what the F is that... i dont think he liked it though cause he used to chase them off ( looked like he was trying to eat them but he wasnt)
  3. shnabbles

    Copper Treatment

    im going to give a copper treatment to a fish in a QT the salinity is the same as display tank and temp is same.... i just added the copper to the QT do i need to acclimate the fish to the qt tank?
  4. shnabbles


    you are but my hydrometer doesnt measure down to 1.009
  5. shnabbles


    MY QT tank is reading 1.014 i do not yet have my refractometer its on the way... Is this a safe level to acllimate my fish to untill the refractometer comes or now?
  6. shnabbles

    holy ammonia spike

    damn cow fish sorry to hear about your rough times..... guess we are both having bad luck lately
  7. shnabbles

    Aged saltwater??

    How long should i age the saltwater for my tank when i do water changes?? Its a 55 gallon and i do 5 gallon weekly water changes.. What are causes and effects of not aging the saltwater?
  8. shnabbles

    Wierd Ammonia reading

    bigarn i just wanted to be sure... i believe you read my post the other day about my anenomie getting cut up into a million peice and spewn into the tank... Hippo still looks like hell but is acting fine.
  9. shnabbles

    Wierd Ammonia reading

    Ok i just took my ammonia reading and after the 5 minute waiting period it was at 0.... well i let the water sit in there for like 20 minutes and the water is starting to turn a light shade of blue....... is this usual??? I do like 5% water changes every week and i just did one yesturday. All...
  10. shnabbles

    Dead anenomie make fish sick?

    Ill do another water change tomorrow.
  11. shnabbles

    Dead anenomie make fish sick?

    did a water change this afternoon and id a water test... ammonia was still 0 nitrites were i forget the number but a light purple.. and nitrates were at 20.... ill keep an eye on it and do another if i see anything... do you think the hippo needs to go into the QT tank or will he be ok?
  12. shnabbles

    Dead anenomie make fish sick?

    will the hippo get better on its own? or should i put him in the hospital? coral beauty and lawn mower blenny are fine. BUT hippo kinda lives in direct path of were the PH with the dead anenomie was blowing.
  13. shnabbles

    white specks (bugs) on glass in tank

    They are pods... dont worry they are good to have and come from the LR
  14. shnabbles

    Dead anenomie make fish sick?

    the other day i had a pink tip anenomie die.. next day i noticed blue hippo had some darker spots on her.... this morning my other pink tip got caught in my power head sucking it half way through spewing his tenticles into a million peaces and blowing it into the tank..... and the dark spots on...
  15. shnabbles

    Sick Hippo!

    ok i just read that..... does ich spread?? i mean are all the fish in the tank going to get it? is it in the water?
  16. shnabbles

    Sick Hippo!

    maybe it is ich.. there are acouple white dots.. eyes look alittle bigger
  17. shnabbles

    Sick Hippo!

    The small hippo i have now looks like it has scne... small blackish or darkish pin sized dots all over her body... they are not white so i dont think its ICH... Any ideas? or any ideas on how to cure it? Will my cleaner shrimp remove the ICH if the fish goes to them to get cleaned?? I just saw...
  18. shnabbles

    Dissapearing clown?

    Other fish are a coral beauty, lawn mower blenny, and a very small hippo.... yes i know a 55 is to small for him, we will trade her in when she gets bigger... other then that there are 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 fire shrimp, 2 peppermint shrimp, some snails and some hermits... Last Friday we bought 2...
  19. shnabbles

    Dissapearing clown?

    Whater levels are good... no one else in the tank is having any problems
  20. shnabbles

    Dissapearing clown?

    well i found him dead behind a rock thats 2 clowns down in less then a months time.. the other fish we got from the same place are fine... why do these clowns die?? :notsure: