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  1. shnabbles

    You must buy Nassarius snails NOW!

    Can someone email me a link to one of their auctions?
  2. shnabbles

    Mixing Dwarfs?

    just some minor chasing going on... seems to be more when the lights are off... they are about same size but completely different colors all together... the coral beauty seems to be doing all of the pushing... its a 55 gallon tank with the front being very open all rock is against back wall...
  3. shnabbles

    Mixing Dwarfs?

    Has anyone had any trouble mixxing different species of Dwarf angels? I have a coral beauty and last night the wife brought home a bicolor angel AKA Oriole Angel.... when first added to the tank they were shaking at each other now they seem to be pretty much leaving each other alone... the...
  4. shnabbles

    Pink brittle star?????

    Anyone ever heard of or seen a pink brittle star?? They look like regular brittle stars but they look like they have little maracca (mexican shaker) things on them.. Anyone ever seen one or know if they are reef safe?
  5. shnabbles

    Is ich contagious??

    Bigdog as soon as the QT is cycled i will be setting it up for hypo... do you recommend still treating the tank with the reef safe stuff or no??? PS The tang and the clowns were the newer additions to the tank. and i know tangs are suspectable to ich... and i got them from the same place.
  6. shnabbles

    Is ich contagious??

    I asked this in disease but didnt get an answer yet. I had a tang die from it just this week then a clown died of it this morning i was just wondering if it is contageous?? Other fish in tank look great.... Iv had HORRIBLE!!! Luck with clowns so that was really no suprise... I have been treating...
  7. shnabbles

    Lagoon Pic

    you have your own reef.. you should charge neighborhood kids to go snorkeling! lol Man 5-20 gallons of evaporation a day! Iv been wanting to see pics of the lagoon bang very nice!
  8. shnabbles

    Is ich contageous??

    I had a tang die from it just this week then a clown died of it this morning i was just wondering if it is contageous?? Other fish in tank look great.... Iv had HORRIBLE!!! Luck with clowns so that was really no suprise... I have been treating the tank with a reef safe salution for 6 days... but...
  9. shnabbles

    Mystery Hole?!

    we have a clown but two anemenies which its in constanly.....:notsure:
  10. shnabbles

    Mystery Hole?!

    oooooh i hope not! :scared:
  11. shnabbles

    lawn mower blennie

    wierd... i havent had mine but 2 weeks and he is doing fine i hope the same thing doesnt happen to him
  12. shnabbles

    Mystery Hole?!

    The other day there was a weird hole in the sand right in front of a piece of LR... i thought it was crazy so i just filled it in... now 2 days later its back! Its about the size of a nickel.. its not from my lawn mower blennie he is to big for that hole.. and its not from my scooter blennie...
  13. shnabbles

    Running Carbon 24/7??

    mmm im due for a change then the emporer comes with 2 blue pads with carbon in it.. and 2 empty chambers that i filled with carbon.. should i replace the blue media filters ever month or just the chambers i hand filled with carbon?
  14. shnabbles

    Running Carbon 24/7??

    i have about 50lbs of base rock.... once all the BR becomes LR i could stop using the filter 24/7 right? How long does it take BR to become LR and is there anything to speed up the process.
  15. shnabbles

    Running Carbon 24/7??

    I only have about 15 pounds of LR in my 55 Gallon tank.. I have a protien skimmer but iv also been running a emprorer 400 with carbon 24/7 for 2 months... Is it nesseccary to run the emporer 400 24/7?
  16. shnabbles

    Man down!

    he was medium.... my cleaner shrimp is bigger... the cleaner shrimp molted last night for sure... the fire shrimp seemed to always hide.. maybe after the molt he is just hiding... but id think id find more of the fire shrimps body
  17. shnabbles

    911: Anemone vs Powerhead

    mine got sucked up last week and was completely destroyed... the next day my hippo tang had a serious case of ICK or something really ugly... i put her in the hospital and she was dead by morning... her sleeping whole is directly in front of were the power head was spewing the anenome guts
  18. shnabbles

    Seabae Anemone

    let him alone even if he is upside down on the sand bed?:notsure:
  19. shnabbles

    Flying Sabea anenomie

    i was thinking i didnt have enough.. its only 2 1200 maxi's
  20. shnabbles

    Man down!

    This morning my wife found a hermit crab eating what she thought was a fire shrimps molt.... but i havent seen the little guy since iv been home.... all that we found was his head...