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  1. salty blues

    uncontacted tribe

    Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE i'm on the next flight down there with a bag of shiny beads and a shotgun. also, several packs of Paradise Punch Bubblicious, and maybe some Camel smokes. i'll be running the place in less than a week. No fire water?
  2. salty blues

    Why ME, why do I attract Clist whackos?

    Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE and you turned it down because... ? Sounds skanktastic.
  3. salty blues

    Is it possible to delete a screen name?

    Someday the internet will be so full of crap, nobody will even be able to post anything anymore.
  4. salty blues

    Scott McClellen?

    bashing=book sales=$$
  5. salty blues

    power goes out ?

    Originally Posted by tdog7879 what do you do if the power where to go out for a couple of hours or more? I start my fossil fuel powered emergency generator.
  6. salty blues

    CPR versus Eshopps overflows

    fwiw, I have used a cpr box for well over a year, using a powerhead tap to keep it primed. It has never failed to start/maintain a siphon. It is also fairly quiet and has a low profile. ymmv
  7. salty blues

    Sen. Obama's "collective" speech

    Originally Posted by reefraff Don't confuse Liberal with left wing. Two different animals. Joe Liberman is a liberal. Bill Clinton is a liberal. You can see how the "progressives" treat them. The left has been trying to redefine the political center for several years. The idea John McCain is...
  8. salty blues

    My wife had a pretty good thought!!!

    I believe your analysis is quite logical.
  9. salty blues

    Sen. Obama's "collective" speech

    Classic left wing liberal demo ideology.
  10. salty blues

    Rep Maxine Waters lets the cat out of the bag

    Originally Posted by reefraff I remember when waters was a member of the LA School Board. She was an idiot back then and she seems to have perfected it since. So logically thinking, this would make her supporters idiots as well. Makes sense to me.
  11. salty blues

    Rep Maxine Waters lets the cat out of the bag

    Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE at this point, let the left win in 08. the right will definately be back in control in 2012. Unfortunately Obama may have an opportunity during those 4 years to appoint more liberal activist judges, which IMO are sending this country down the drain.
  12. salty blues

    Question for Floridajoe

    Originally Posted by metweezer Joe is unavailable right now. He is getting a memorial day tattoo of Hillary on his chest Well, at least it's not a tat of Obama!
  13. salty blues

    Home Wiring Question

    Originally Posted by bionicarm virtually every ceiling fan I've ever installed are pre-wired internally for both the fan and a light kit. All you need are the neutral, hot, and ground wires that are already up in the ceiling. Everything else is wired within the fan. The fan I just installed...
  14. salty blues

    can we say kick in the face

    Originally Posted by BabyB hahaha true story he is such a loser, the 2 years we have been together he has had a job for about 7 months of that I say good riddance! You don't need the violent freeloader.
  15. salty blues

    This doesn't make sense

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy Can you remind me who was slamming the oil companies? I don't remember that. Lots of folks constantly slam oil companies. nacl freak wants to tax the hell out of 'em. I was speaking rhetorically, not to you personally. Geez, take a ritalin!
  16. salty blues

    Home Wiring Question

    Originally Posted by bionicarm You're making it too complicated. Go with Jenny's suggestion. Get you a nice fan with a remote control. I just installed two, one with the exact scenario as yours. You still need to supply power to the fan. The remote control only solves the switching/control...
  17. salty blues

    Home Wiring Question

    Originally Posted by abethedog So I want a ceiling fan in my bedroom. I'm decent at home wiring (not scared of electrocution ). Heres my problem. My bedroom has two ceiling lights that are connected to two switches. So, I can turn the two lights on and off by the bedroom door and the...
  18. salty blues

    This doesn't make sense

    The politicians who are against drilling in Anwar and other places are only tring to appear enviro-concious. In reality they are just out for votes from the tree hugger constituency. I'll bet many of them don't even know all the facts concerning enviro-friendly driling techniques. Also, I agree...
  19. salty blues

    Where is everyone's sump/refuge?

    Originally Posted by florida joe How much room do you have from the sump to the left side of your cabinet also how much from the sump to the doors sump to left side cab= 8". sump to doors= 1.5".
  20. salty blues

    Where is everyone's sump/refuge?

    Here is my humble submission. My 29 with DIY stand, 14g sump, and canopy.