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  1. salty blues

    Are Gloves a good habit?

    Originally Posted by reefkprZ they tied a tourniquet around his neck to stop the infection from spreading. he died..... *S* he lived. his hospital sounds incompetent though just by the errors made during treatment.
  2. salty blues

    Russia Threatens Poland! (with nukes)

    Originally Posted by socal57che OK. Let's see if I got this right. The Russkies (with ICBMs) are shakin' in their boots because Poland Bought some nice surface to air missiles? Come on. You don't really believe that, do you? The Russians have wanted these states back since they left. They...
  3. salty blues

    Are Gloves a good habit?

    I got tired of reading and clicking "next". Did the guy live or what?
  4. salty blues

    Karma is real...

    Originally Posted by Mimzy he says, with a MASSIVE YIN/YANG as his avatar. I don't believe in that crap either, I just think the symbol is cool looking.
  5. salty blues

    Karma is real...

    Karma Shmarma!
  6. salty blues

    the world ending

    Originally Posted by beenbag497 ID LIKE TO SEE U AS PRESIDENT MR SQUIDWARD Heaven forbid!
  7. salty blues

    the world ending

    Originally Posted by Squidward Current bush is the anti-christ in case you didn't know. McWar if elected will help end the world. I'm gonna' try to ignore that remark............ Nope, can't do it. You must be a military loathing, send our country down the toilet, left-wing liberal. Yep, I...
  8. salty blues

    Streak-free glass cleaning

    Is there anything that can be used to clean the outside tank glass that won't leave streaks? I have tried windex, vinegar, and rubbing alcohol, but all of these leave streaks to some degree. Any suggestions?
  9. salty blues

    Question for you electricians (preferably)

    Yes, the motor is indeed rated for 230 volts so you should be able to run it on the existing circuit as is. It would be a good idea to stick a voltmeter on the outlet to make absolutely sure it is putting out 230 volts. NEVER assume anything in dealing with electricity! The voltage stamped on...
  10. salty blues

    Question for you electricians (preferably)

    That appears to be an outlet and cord for a clothes dryer 240 volt circuit. Your compressor switch appears to be wired for 120 volts. You can indeed just use one of the "hots",(just tape up the other one) but to really be proper you should also change the double pole breaker on the dryer circuit...
  11. salty blues


    Just gives me another reason not to like him.
  12. salty blues

    What does everyone do for mechanical filtration?

    Originally Posted by rort I am currently using a filter sock until my cheato builds up so I can use that! note: from what I have heard if you use the filter socks you need to change them and clean them every 2 days or else they build up ammonia. Right. I do regular cleaning and maintenance on...
  13. salty blues

    Sump with no baffles?

    You don't have to use baffles. It depends on what you want out of your sump. For example do you want to have a fuge with chaeto or whatever? If so you might want baffles. Or do you need to get rid of micro bubbles. Again, baffles will help. Point is, there are no set rules with sumps. Set it up...
  14. salty blues

    What does everyone do for mechanical filtration?

    I use me one of them thar filter socks.
  15. salty blues

    Hey Alix2.0

    Originally Posted by Jerthunter Well 33 deaths in 10 years isn't that bad when you think about how many kids play in the water each year and the fact that these guys are basically everywhere. Not too bad, unless you happen to have been one of the 33!
  16. salty blues

    the world ending

    I think that Al Gore gave us all at least a few years beyond 2012.
  17. salty blues

    the world ending

    Mark 13:32--- “about that day or that hour no one except the Father knows, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son”.
  18. salty blues

    the world ending

    Originally Posted by spanko The world will end if Barack Obama gets elected!!!!! Thank God Nancy Pelosi is saving the planet.
  19. salty blues

    Olympics, what have you watched?

    I watched some protestors gettin' dragged away by Chinese "security". Probably took 'em to the gulag or some such.
  20. salty blues

    Hey Alix2.0

    Originally Posted by Jerthunter Just in case anyone is looking for some fun reading you can check out the cdc... Very interesting reading, especially considering the fact that as kids and teenagers, I and all my friends practically lived in...