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  1. salty blues

    Clownfish Death's

    I've had 2 false percs for about 1 1/2 yrs. I feed them every other day. They seem quite happy. ymmv
  2. salty blues

    Drilled Aquarium question

    Google "glass holes". Great solution imho.
  3. salty blues

    What do you call this?

    If you are inclined to diy, you could gang a few of these together:
  4. salty blues


    Originally Posted by bluering09 If I Mclain win I will leave this country along with my family and friends. I m not the type that discuss political views but come on mclain? Obama all the way here. Like Alec Baldwin said he would leave if W got elected. Last time I checked, Baldwin is still...
  5. salty blues


    Originally Posted by Johnbob Oh, you must be referring to mccains ingenious plan to drill off-shore. You know, the one where we pollute the ocean for a drop in gas prices that won't happen until 2020. Oh, so you don't use any products whatsoever that are made from petroleum? This would include...
  6. salty blues

    Need help with Remora Skimmer

    Originally Posted by sooners I was given a used remora skimmer recently. It came with a MJ 1200 but it doesn't fit in the elbow that goes into the skimmer. From pics online, it looks like there may be an adapter that I need. Does anyone know where I can pick on up--or are there any other...
  7. salty blues

    Coral Banded Shrimp?

    Originally Posted by tagemw0505 I have a coral banded shrimp and i just added two clown fish the shrimp keeps coming over by them i am afarid that he might eat them what should i do? Will he really grab and eat them? Please help i would like to keep both in the tank if i could I have kept a...
  8. salty blues


    Originally Posted by Greg9871 believe its watts /volts =amps, well thats what i use anyways lol As an electrician, I concur with this formula.
  9. salty blues

    We all do stupid things!

    Don't know if it's stupid or not, but I once knew a dude that was so mean, he had to hold a gun on himself when he shaved every morning just to keep from cuttin' his own throat!
  10. salty blues

    Calibrating Refractometer!!!!!

    Originally Posted by puff0224 dont have either...and besides the cal fluid is supposed to be a little more accurate...however I have the fluid and no reference to what the 53 mS refers!! If you don't have/use ro/distilled water, you may have bigger problems than calibrating your...
  11. salty blues

    Does turning your A/C in your car from REG to MAX A/C Use more Gas?

    Does turning your A/C in your car from REG to MAX A/C Use more Gas? Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr How about turning the FAN Speed from Low to High? Thanks if any mechanics know? Only if you are al gore.
  12. salty blues

    Does turning your A/C in your car from REG to MAX A/C Use more Gas?

    Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr How about turning the FAN Speed from Low to High? Thanks if any mechanics know? Only if you are al gore.
  13. salty blues

    Does turning your A/C in your car from REG to MAX A/C Use more Gas?

    Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr How about turning the FAN Speed from Low to High? Thanks if any mechanics know? Only if you are al gore.
  14. salty blues

    This guy wants to be president?

    Originally Posted by reefraff When asked about the troop surge in Iraq Obama says knowing what he knows now he would have still opposed the surge. Combine that with him creating his "iraq stratigy" before he even went to Iraq and met with the military leaders??? Got help us if this clown gets...
  15. salty blues

    tank drilling plumbers putty question

    Originally Posted by tr1gger Im guessing that you where using it like a small circle area to keep water in placed while you drilled the glass? Well i guess i have to ask why ya used it on the inside? I am not hassling you just curious. I would def. scrub that with something. Im sure there is...
  16. salty blues

    Which SWF'rs would win in a fight?

    Originally Posted by socal57che What kind of fight? Um...I can only upload 5 pics at a time, so let me know if I should post more. Well, you are obviously some kind of gun nut!
  17. salty blues

    The stuf at the bottom of the tank...

    imo it is better to place live rock directly on the glass bottom. Placed on top of a sandbed it tends to shift especially with critters constantly moving the sand bed. I put rock in first, then sand around the rocks. My .o2.
  18. salty blues

    What commerical do you despise?

    I hate any and all erectile dysfunction commercials, especially the one where all the good ole boys are sittin' around singing "viva v i a g r a". Is that gay or what?
  19. salty blues

    Red Sea Prism. Broken?

    Originally Posted by ryan80 I have a used Red Sea Prism skimmer that was thrown in on a deal with some live rock and fish. Every time I hook it up I have to adjust it constantly to keep it from overflowing. Is it broken, or do I just need to give it more time and more adjustment? Anyone have a...
  20. salty blues

    ICH and ICK how are they different?

    Originally Posted by slt wtr stupid title says it all what are the differences? I think they are shorthand for the same parasite, although I understand that fw ich(or ick) differs somewhat from the sw type.