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  1. drea

    Help with NYC Fish Stores

    actually pets warehouse is the cheapest... i go to all the lfs's everyweek ronkonkama has the cheapest inverts, warehouse usually cheapest fish, but best quality by far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. drea

    125 gallon..with TANG ICH

    put all lr and inverts in a bucket w/ a heater and airstone, do the hypo asap... it saved all my fisH if u do everything right you shouldn't have ich again
  3. drea

    Help with NYC Fish Stores

    take a ride out to pets warehouse on long island, not too far... even a train ride
  4. drea

    Tangs Tangs Tangs

    idk about the naso, but i say do it!!!!!!! all my fish get along, but last week i had to get rid of a small yellow goby that was beating the crap out of my sailfin tang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes i know, hard to believe....... just depends on the fish sometimes
  5. drea

    anyone have a melon butterfly?

    hmmm, idk, hes pink, and green, white striped... looks really colorful! i'll try to find out more about him
  6. drea

    anyone have a melon butterfly?

    i just saw one today, beautiful! any info/anyone have it? i'll be picking it up for my tank soon
  7. drea

    Can you ever get rid of ICH!

    i been using the hypo method for a while now... i have a glass hydrometer and it reads 1.010.... there is a feeder shrimp in there and he is still alive, but no visible ich... i'm gonna go down to 1.008-09 today and try to leave it like that for 6 weeks.. should the shrimp die at this level? is...
  8. drea

    anyone have experience w/ a golden angel?

    dam, cause if they are really difficult to care for, then theres no point
  9. drea

    Can you ever get rid of ICH!

    i'll have to get the post, but yes you can get rid of ick, it is not caused by poor water quality or stress... just read it, i'll get the link, has sources too
  10. drea

    anyone have experience w/ a golden angel?

    i'd like to get one... just don't know too much about them... thanx
  11. drea

    72gal pics

  12. drea

    Favorite Invert

    very cool, is that a pink fighting conch? any special req. for that invert? and how bout the blue linka? all very nice!
  13. drea

    cant keep cleaner shrimp alive

    i had the same problem, two died on me within a day... the third one was perfect... remember that shrimp are very sensetive to salinity changes... i acclimated my last guy slowly for almost 3 hrs, worked great! it will work if you do that,,, and try to get one on the bigger side if possible
  14. drea

    Coral Banded Shrimp

    you can't catch him w/ a net?
  15. drea


    thin lexan, sick, i'll do that w/ my smaller tank..
  16. drea

    How long before the water is safe?

    dam, i love you, lol, you just made me so happy.. i'm gonna make sure the ick is gone, then qt all fish and inverts, i'm crazy now, but my fish are currently in great shape! i just don't want to go through w. this again! :cheer:
  17. drea

    clown tang??

    beautiful fish..
  18. drea

    Gold Stripe Maroons Too Big?

    i'll be getting one soon... one pet store has them for 60$, one 45, another 30... but for some reason they never have them available.. whats are two good tank partners i can put him w? its for a small 30 gallon.
  19. drea


    i agree.. and being patient is torture!!!
  20. drea


    .19??? are your inverts alive? if you have any?