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  1. drea

    gonna hypo salinity the entire tank!!

    so, if you treat the tank for ich and wait 4-6 weeks..... ich will never return if i don't add any new fish?
  2. drea

    gonna hypo salinity the entire tank!!

    right now i'm using two crappy hydro meters... been doin it very slow, i'll be looking for a good one tonight/tomorrow
  3. drea

    What's your oppinion for a FISH ONLY tank?

    why not? they are great... i like fish only (maybe some lil critter inverts too) but personally reef tanks do nothing for me unless they are 500 gallons w/ tons of fish... imo i've see a lot of nice reef tanks, but the majority just look like a big disorganized mess
  4. drea

    gonna hypo salinity the entire tank!!

    i'm doin 2 gallons every couple hrs till sat morning.... then i leave it at that level right in hypo for 3 weeks? i also want to add my last fish in this process which will be a flame angel... that way i can add eveything back and hopefully this will not happen again!
  5. drea

    gonna hypo salinity the entire tank!!

    no :scared: gonna do it w/o one for now... just gonna drop the salt very slow... and try to pick one up
  6. drea

    gonna hypo salinity the entire tank!!

    well guess it would be easier to do.. i'm goin to take out all the inverts and lr..... its a 70 gallon w/ a hippo, sailfin, 2 percs, 2 gobies...... the hippo had a small amount of ich which was coming and going, but now the sailfin has it! so i think its time to do this b4 my fish 6...
  7. drea

    Kordon's Ich Attack

    what else do you do to prevent the ick?
  8. drea

    so are you telling me...

    well the mods on here are probably big dorks w/ nothing better to do! j/k
  9. drea

    Kordon's Ich Attack

    its called technology,,, i know you are very well educated, but they fkn put pig hearts in people now, we can clone animals... and yet there will never be a cure for ich???? come on............................................. sooner or later they will have one..... just look at half the stuff...
  10. drea

    yellow clown goby very aggressive!

    i know... and he actually perches on lr waiting for the sailfin to come out. then he attacks!!!! hes like 1.5 inches (goby)
  11. drea

    Kordon's Ich Attack

    well, maybe it dosen't work... but there are herbisides that kill weeds and not grass, so it is possible.. or will be soon enough... i'll bet money on that!
  12. drea


    thanx, very useful info!
  13. drea

    powder brown tang ich prone?

    most tangs are ick prone.... just keep up w/ water quality... and have a hospital tank by for any problems
  14. drea

    Better fish, Powder Brown Tang, Naso Tang?

  15. drea

    Good companion for Undulated Triggerfish?

    i was going to pick up one of those triggers also and keep it w/ a hawian puffer and a maroon clown.... i heard that its a bad idea though :notsure:
  16. drea

    new tang

    very nice
  17. drea

    some more from my tank

    cool pics
  18. drea

    yellow clown goby very aggressive!

    i know... no one believes me... he is evil!!!!!
  19. drea

    Better fish, Powder Brown Tang, Naso Tang?

    my friend has a sailfin in a 37g w another tang (i forget which one... 5 yrs and counting
  20. drea

    yellow clown goby very aggressive!

    this lil guy is nuts... i may have to take him out.. since the coral piece is so big, i can't really rearrange... maybe i will add him back a month from now? will that make a difference? or i may just get a new yellow goby and put this one in my 30...