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  1. drea

    preventing ich idea that i have

    well, just wanted to see what everyone thought... but i'll give it a go... if all the ick is gone, and i wait while the new guys are in..... idk... i'll post back and give the results...... thanx
  2. drea

    Head and Lateral Line Erosion

    so what do you do to cure it?
  3. drea

    Gold Stripe Maroons Too Big?

    hmmmm. i think they will out grow it... they get like 6 inches if i remember... but thei might take a while a 20 gallon should be fine
  4. drea

    preventing ich idea that i have

    well the reason i was thinking that is because all the lfs around here keep there salt very low! so i figured why not
  5. drea

    preventing ich idea that i have

    do you have a link to a scarlet shrimp? do u mean cleaner shrimp? is it the same thing?
  6. drea

    preventing ich idea that i have

    hmmm... well. w/ weekley water changes it should work.. plus, i'll wait till all the ich is gone... its only two more small fish!
  7. drea

    How much to feed fish?

    cool, it would probably do great w. an undulated trigger!
  8. drea

    preventing ich idea that i have

    Ok... so i had ich.... i then took all my live rock and inverts out and are in pals.... i only lost one fish which was my sailfin... he had ick one day and died!!!! the fish left are all doing great... This is the idea... since they are all in hypo salinty right now, i'll add all the reamianing...
  9. drea

    acclimation of inverts

    ok i know i'll get flammed but whatever... i have never acclimated any inverts except for shrimp!!! shrimp are very sensetive to salt changes..... hermits and snails... lol never had one die on me, i just threw them all in.,.. they have grown since then and are lil blue electric monsters...
  10. drea

    So i killed my tank

    my gf left the ac off and it killed everything in the tank except the inverts,,, sux! i feel ur pain...........
  11. drea

    Titan Trigger

    theres one at my lfs for $40...
  12. drea

    How long before the water is safe?

    nice.... so what are the chances of ick coming back after the 6 weeks is up?
  13. drea


    cool, feather dusters survive on regular lighting? what do they eat?
  14. drea

    Hyposalinity and Invertebrates.

    i'm in the process of hypo right now too, all the fish are looking great... i just hope ich dosen't return
  15. drea

    gonna hypo salinity the entire tank!!

    so, i lost my sailfin, wierd, took like a day for him... my hippo is alive along w/ the others... now does ick get bigger and look like cotton when its about to die? thats what it looks like now.............
  16. drea

    Need help with ick!

    treat the entire tank asap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for real! get all the live rock and corals, inverts out, takes less than an hr... it sux. but its the only way... i'm currently doing that
  17. drea

    ich ?

    thats what i was thinking too..... well my plan is to keep everything at hypo for like 6 weeks and i will add all my fish at this time.... soon as they all get along and everyone seems diesease free, i'll add salt and inverts back.. if that fails..... then a trigger and puffer will do just fine!
  18. drea

    ich ?

  19. drea

    Green Clown Goby Pic

    they are awesome! just wish they same a lil more
  20. drea

    ich ?

    well, since my post is getting no hits in diesease section now that i am hyposalinity the tank..... after all is done and ich is gone, will i ever get ich again if i don't add any new fish? or is ich always present in the tank?