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  1. usinkit

    90 gl for sale

    20 min north of Hartford.
  2. usinkit

    Fish Pics Trial Run

    Thanks evilss!!! Its still got a long ways togo!!
  3. usinkit

    90 gl for sale

    90 gallon glass tank glass tops fluva 404 homemade stand 2 regular strip light with 2 sets of bulbs 48in This tank is still up and running with about 100# of sand that is 1.5 years old if you want it. $250.00 for all
  4. usinkit

    What is wrong with the server?

    Iam having problems with posting pictures. The servers must be getting to much volume or something!!
  5. usinkit


    Yea the site must be having problems.
  6. usinkit

    carpenter flasher wrasse

    I just ordered a carpenter wrasse. I think it will make a great addition to any reef. The turbos cruz around the whole tank and clean everthing. HTH
  7. usinkit

    any comments on this aggressive tank

    One suggestion. Buy the book marine fish and look up every fish you have in the tank. The book will tell you how hard or easy it is to keep the fish,what to feed and size it gets. When you gather all that info (takes about 15 min ) then you will understand what everybodies telling you!!!!! HTH
  8. usinkit

    Please Help Not Much Time

    Remove half the bio balls and clean them. Next month remove the other half and clean them. You dont want to clean them all at once because you would end up killed all the benificial bacteria if you did them all at once.
  9. usinkit

    My new 75 gallon tank...

    REALLY NICE!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. usinkit

    Please Help Not Much Time

    If your tank is going through another cycle I dont think it would matter if you did a 50% water change ,because the tank is going through another cycle so the water is really not fully cycled anymore. Your best bet is to let the tank ride out the cycle and have someone hold the eel for you to...
  11. usinkit

    Please Help Not Much Time

    If the eel is the only one in there and he has survived this then let the tank ride out the cycle or see if some one can keep him for you until the tank completes its cycle. Did you try another test kit? Have your friend test the water with his test kit just to double check. Did you clean your...
  12. usinkit

    so what do you think????

    Very nice!!!
  13. usinkit

    gobie and gramma

    Thanks joker_ca. Its still a big work in process. Iam hoping this weekend I can add a little eye candy to the tank.
  14. usinkit

    Please Help Not Much Time

    I would do a 50% water change to get the ammonia down. With ammonia off the chart Iam suorised the eel is still alive. Did you stir up the sand bed at all. If that happened there is some nasty stuff in the sand that might contribute to the spike. The only suggestion I can come up with is to do...
  15. usinkit

    refugium lighting

    Thanks for the info!! I will run them opposite of the display tank.
  16. usinkit

    Fish Pics Trial Run

    Thank you GoOtZ!
  17. usinkit

    Got a few minutes?

    One of the most beautiful tanks Ive seen!!!!!!
  18. usinkit

    gobie and gramma

    full tank
  19. usinkit

    gobie and gramma

    Full shot with sump. Should have a few corals in this weekend.
  20. usinkit

    refugium lighting

    Do you leave the light on the refugium or have it on a timer. Thank you.