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  1. salty blues

    Is it really worse now?

    I agree that with the 24 hour news cycle we have, it seems that there is more crime. However, I also believe that our culture has definitely gotten more secular and more sinful in the last 40+ years. It started in the late fifties to early sixties and was made worse in the '70's with the Roe vs...
  2. salty blues

    CPR overflow box

    Originally Posted by moonbeam do you have a pic of your box set up salty blues Not much to see, but here's my cpr cs50 in action. The drain is simply a piece of 3/4" pvc that goes to a cpr filter sock in the sump. Air purge port connected to maxi-jet 1200:
  3. salty blues

    CPR overflow box

    Originally Posted by natclanwy CPR overflow boxes use a siphon too, I don't know that they are anymore efficient but they are more prone to loosing there siphon than a U-tube style overflow. I have one of each and I like the u-tube style better I can leave the house or go to sleep without...
  4. salty blues

    the global warming swindle

    Originally Posted by mie Watched "expedition alaska" on discovery channel, and it was very informative about global warming. One reason for higher temps is because the sea ice is dissapearing and it reflects like 60% of the suns rays back to space, without the sea ice it is like unpluging the...
  5. salty blues

    Should College Students Be Allowed To Carry Weapons???

    Recent discusssion on this topic:
  6. salty blues

    CPR overflow box

    FWIW, I have been running the CS 50 by CPR for over a year. I use the suction port on a Maxi-Jet 1200 PH to keep air pulled out of the CS 50. The CS 50 has never, ever broke it's siphon. Also, if set up properly, the CS 50 is reasonably quiet. ymmv.
  7. salty blues

    An exchange I had with Rush Limbaugh...

    Originally Posted by Beth And lets just keep one little detail in's an election year. A very hot election year. If disaster was not just around the bend in the USA, then it wouldn't probably be an election year. Somehow I think we will be rescued from the brink of societal and...
  8. salty blues

    CPR overflow box

    Originally Posted by coralreefer really? how much GPH do you get out of the cs50? what size tank? The cs50 is rated @ 300gph. I run it on a 29g with a 14g sump.
  9. salty blues

    CPR overflow box

    CPR's are siphon driven, at least the cpr cs50 I use is.
  10. salty blues

    CPR overflow box

    Aren't all overflow boxes(including cpr's) siphon driven?
  11. salty blues

    Question on backgrounds

    Originally Posted by gmann1139 Ahh, I figured it out. The lens on the camera is slightly distorting the straight lines. BTW, Sorry salty. Didn't mean to suggest you were imbalanced. Anyhow, back to the thread. Ditto to Joe's suggestion, and salty's use of a roll-on bg. Paint has an amount of...
  12. salty blues

    Question on backgrounds

    Originally Posted by gmann1139 Is it just me, or does the tank not look level versus the rest of the room? It is just you. The tank is most assuredly level.
  13. salty blues

    Question on backgrounds

    This is a black plastic roll-on background, applied with aquarium background mounting solution.
  14. salty blues

    Dog Poop

    Majorly gross!
  15. salty blues

    Dog Poop

    Majorly gross!
  16. salty blues


    Originally Posted by alexmir Not all christians believe that there are 3 seperate beings. I am a pentecostal, and believe GOD is 1 being, not 3. The main difference between mormons and christians is that they believe in a book that was written by a man who believed to have recieved a word from...
  17. salty blues

    Who was the first American in space?

    Originally Posted by Scotts So we are doing great so far, now for a hard question. Who was the guy that went up with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, but did NOT step on the moon? That would be Michael Collins.
  18. salty blues

    Chuck Yeager

    Chuck Yeager wasn't Hendrix's sound man. That was Chuck U. Farley.
  19. salty blues

    I Would Never Use

    Been a PP user for a few years. No problems thus far(KOW). The few folks I have heard about with problems always vow to never use PP again. Really, just a matter of principle. A relatively few people not using their service is not gonna' be any skin off PP's profits.
  20. salty blues

    moving live rock

    Originally Posted by icebreaker I would like to move the live rock in my aquarium. Does this cause a problem stirring up the sand or moving the rocks around the fish have claimed as their own? Any opinions? The biggest issue imo is that this puts your rock on top of your sand. Ideally, the...