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  1. salty blues

    Whos the next president??

    Lord willing, John McCain.
  2. salty blues

    Who is "big business"?

    Originally Posted by m0nk With the unfortunate exception of Microsoft.... I don't know that they make ANYONE happy... Mainly with paychecks.
  3. salty blues

    Redisribution of wealth----Poll

    Demonizing "big business" is just another form of political baiting by the liberal left. It has become so commonplace now that some people demonize business without even stopping to think about how it helps sustain us all.
  4. salty blues

    Who is "big business"?

    Originally Posted by ophiura Well, I work for a very large, technologically dominant, multinational, publicly traded company. So I guess I am big business. IMO, unless you are self employed or work in a small locally owned company with one store, you are probably part of "big business." And it...
  5. salty blues

    Redisribution of wealth----Poll

    Originally Posted by Jmick Hell no! My last commission check was taxed at almost 48%...I felt violated. If I could pick and choose where my taxes went I might feel better but I don't have that option. I'd rather see our goverment close corporate loopholes and lets make sure big business is...
  6. salty blues

    Redisribution of wealth----Poll

    I vote no.
  7. salty blues

    Redisribution of wealth----Poll

    Do you believe that the US gubment should tax the crap out of the wealthier folks, then dole out the money to those on the lower end in the form of welfare, government giveaways, etc.? In other words, do you favor socialism?
  8. salty blues

    A new Beginning

    When I first got into sw tanks, I used cc on the advice of an lfs in my area. As my tank started to age, the cc started to look really dirty. Also, at the time I didn't realize that cc is not real friendly to critters in the substrate, not to mention the problems with nitrate build up etc...
  9. salty blues

    A new Beginning

    cc sux imo.
  10. salty blues

    Teflon John

    Originally Posted by Jmick On his campaign bus recently, Sen. John McCain told reporters, "I hated the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live." Come on, he loves everyone! You and me would probably hate 'em too if they had treated us like they treated Sen. McCain.
  11. salty blues

    police activity...

    Originally Posted by sharkbait9 you can thank the rush to push the patriot act for your lose of civil rights The things I'm talking about started long before the patriot act.
  12. salty blues

    Obama's Communist/Marxist ties

    Originally Posted by newtoit and a recession and an economy in the dumps school shootings need I continue? And somehow this is all George W Bush's fault?
  13. salty blues

    police activity...

    Originally Posted by scorpiojkd Gimme a break! Why is it that every drug bust you hear about on the highways start with being pulled over for a "traffic violation"? Is a traffic violation automatically probable cause for suspicion of drug activity? And, the traffic violations are almost always...
  14. salty blues

    police activity...

    Originally Posted by Pontius no, I'm not dreaming at all. if you call the police around here (or in most places, I imagine) and tell them that your next door neighbor is dealing drugs, they'll most likely tell you "we'll do some patrolling around there to try to find out what's going on" or...
  15. salty blues

    non religious afterlife speculation

    Originally Posted by alix2.0 im aware of that. its not satanic in the way most would think of it though. not killing puppies and sacrificing virgins. its actually quite intelligent. and he isnt a reverend in the sense that he gives sermons and collects money, its an honorary title. anyways, im...
  16. salty blues

    non religious afterlife speculation

    Originally Posted by alix2.0 im using the phrase soul to refer to thinking, personal, selfness. consciousness then. substitute "consciousness" every time i said "soul". same thing. Be careful. You may be associating yourself with a religion, albeit the church of satan. Your avatar, mr. manson...
  17. salty blues

    non religious afterlife speculation

    By definition, it can be argued that the soul never dies.
  18. salty blues

    police activity...

    Originally Posted by Pontius no, I don't believe the definition of probable cause has changed at all in the past decade. nothing that I know of, at least. Well I'm afraid you are dreaming then. Basically all you need to do is pick up the phone to your local crimestoppers and make an allegation...
  19. salty blues

    police activity...

    Originally Posted by Pontius I don't see the probable cause for a warrant being issued here, unless there's something that's not being reported. the police have to have reasonable cause to believe that I crime has been committed to get a warrant from a judge. a utility man saying that a meth...
  20. salty blues

    police activity...

    The wrong headed "War on Drugs" strikes again. Just another blatant example of what this misguided, freedom reducing, paranoia breeding, national industry has become.