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  1. drea

    test for calcium in a fowlr?

    do i need to do this? how important is it?
  2. drea

    live rock ?

    nevermind, i typed to quick, it showed up, not too bad though... i'm def curing it till there is 0, i can't wait to put it in and take some pics
  3. drea

    adding purple tang

    maybe a small hippo...... just depends though........
  4. drea

    live rock ?

    i just ordered 50 lbs of LR... it took 5 days for it to get here.... looks amazing..... anyway, i put it all in two buckets w/ proper saltwater, rinsed it all out and put in nice new fresh saltwater.... i took an amonia reading just now and i have no amonia? does it take a couple days for it to...
  5. drea

    Not Bad For My Apartment

    looks good man..... keep it up
  6. drea

    pro skimmer ?

    i have the red sea prism skimmer which i know a lot of you guys don't like... i can adjust mine pretty well... my question: how often do you guys empty this thing out? i know it depends on the waste in the tank, but i just want to get an idea so i know that its actually working.... so if the...
  7. drea

    min lighting for anemone

    thats what i was thinking too, since the dam thing is so tall.... i'm not in a rush to do it, cause the tank is at my gf's house (but I do all the work, she just feeds them:( the tanks been up for about 4 months doing really well... but this is def something that will have to wait.... thanx...
  8. drea

    min lighting for anemone

    what is the minimal lighting i need to keep an anemone? the light i have is stock from a 70 g tall oceanic..... not sure of its power
  9. drea

    do all inverts typically get along?(common ones)

    i just got a large cleaner shrimp and another red lil crab(looks like the emrald but red) i'll stick to the friendlier species
  10. drea

    do all inverts typically get along?(common ones)

    yeah, the fire shrimp has a great color, think i could keep the banded and fire together, and want to have two shrimps in there
  11. drea

    do all inverts typically get along?(common ones)

    i have about 20 blue leg hermits (they big lilttle guys), an emrald crab, some snails.. i'd like to add some shrimp... do shrimp all get along or whats the deal? and can i get another little crab in there similar to the emrald?
  12. drea


    use your fingers, been doing that 4eva
  13. drea

    too much water movement?

    well i have a penguin daul bio wheel which i will be replacing w/ the emperor 400, and i have a hangon skimmer also... it seems like there is crazy movement in there
  14. drea

    too much water movement?

    i have one maxi jet 900 on the left rear bottom of the tank pushing to the left and another on the right top part of the tank pushing downward toward the center... do i really need both? and is too much water movement bad? its a 70 gallon tall oceanic......(about 3 ft wide)
  15. drea

    Spreading Coralline

    nice LR can't wait for mine to look like that!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer:
  16. drea

    Spreading Coralline

    where did you guys buy the stuff, i can't find it
  17. drea

    Yellow Tang under names

    in was wondering that also
  18. drea

    will i be ok w/ my 70 gallon tall?

    i plan on fowlr.... i guess my main concern is the filtration..... i'll have about 70 lbs LR total in the tank... i guess i'll get the emperor 400 soon... hows the water movement sound? i will have two power heads (maxi jet 900s)
  19. drea

    will i be ok w/ my 70 gallon tall?

    of course...... its been up and running for 3 months or so, and half of the water was from a 3 yr old 30 g i had............