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  1. drea

    will i be ok w/ my 70 gallon tall?

    Well, all i have in it at the moment is 10 lbs of live rock, live sand (3-4 inches) 10 snails, 20 blue hermit crabs, and a emrald crab... i just ordered 50 lbs of live rock and two powerheads. I have a penguin bio wheel 330 hangon (kind of like the emperor 400) and a protein skimmer.... i have a...
  2. drea

    blue-green chromis... what's the deal?

    strange, its been the most easy fish for me to keep.........
  3. drea


    dosen't that mean that its dying? i heard to use purple up, or something to help w/ making it colorful
  4. drea

    live rock shipping?

    do you remember where you got your live rock from? the two sites i found don't offer that......
  5. drea

    live rock shipping?

    if i were to have it shipped within 4 days, would that be pointless? would most of the lr die off? cause i have within 3 days, or within 4, but the within 4 saves would save me 50 bux//// or should i just go to a place that does 2 days? lol thanks for any tips/help
  6. drea

    whats a really good canister filter to get

    so i'll be ok w/ the knock off? are these easy to install? thanx for all the info, i was so close to buying a fluval!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they swear by it at the lfs.. figures
  7. drea

    im builing a 75 gallon tank

    bump, this is good info for startting a reef tank
  8. drea

    Ro/DI Water storage

    oh, true, missed that, mines an ro only unit from coral life
  9. drea

    whats a really good canister filter to get

    wow, maybe i'll just add more live rock and get the emperor hangon, and get rid of the peguin biowheel hangon
  10. drea

    whats a really good canister filter to get

    wow......... anyone else?
  11. drea

    Ro/DI Water storage

    really? so then why is it safe to drink? i prepared 6 gallons for myself in poland spring containers.... do i have to worry about it now?
  12. drea

    whats a really good canister filter to get

    in was thinking of a fluvial? rated for 100 gallons.. i have a 70g tall, w/ live rock and penguin 330 bio wheel... i just want to add an out side filter to let this tank really do well.. is the install easy on the fluval thing? what kind of maintenence is required for it?
  13. drea

    fish acclimation from pet store w/ low salinity

    cool, thanx i have been using that method, i was just worried when i heard about the several day acclimation thing
  14. drea

    fish acclimation from pet store w/ low salinity

    well... i have been reading a few posts on here... and it seems that a fish treated w/ hyposalinity get slowly introduced back to regular salinty over the course of a few days.. the lfs i go to has very low salt in their tanks (the meter dosen't even rise on their water) i take about 2 hrs to...
  15. drea

    leaving town

    my prayers are with you brother.....
  16. drea

    my gf cooked our fish!-!!!

    dam, very good thought.............. cause we do have little water movement at the top.... 2 maxi jet 900's are also on the way..... thanx for the help
  17. drea

    Ph is 7.7-8.0

    what is a ph probe?
  18. drea

    my gf cooked our fish!-!!!

    mine is usually 78-80, this happened in the matter of a day... i checked all levels......ALL and there is only like 10 if that of nitrates... temps back to normal.... my puffer is dying and has ick cause of this.... if he dies how long till the ick dies? when would it be safe to add fish?
  19. drea

    Mass ***** Selling Inverts/Corals now!?!

    thats cool,,,,,,,,, don't think it will happen here cause the ***** peps are idiots
  20. drea

    my gf cooked our fish!-!!!

    well, she couldn't figure out what it was till i asked her to check the temp... it was at 88!!!!!!! our clown that we had almost 4 yrs is dead.... the hawian puffer may be next, she just turned the AC on....... what a waste!!!!!!! she left it off the entire day...... time to start over..