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  1. rubberduck

    Explain where your user name originated

    wow this is long
  2. rubberduck

    Explain where your user name originated

    i just love this name rubberducky
  3. rubberduck

    Dwarf Seahorses

    make sure u do ur homework before getting these small sensative fanimals.
  4. rubberduck

    Dumbest ? Ever!

    Originally posted by wax32 That's why I like my small tank with HoB type equipment! :D
  5. rubberduck

    Blue Hippo tang

    i say at least a 125 for an ADULT
  6. rubberduck

    Pinktail Triggerfish

    are u willing to keep this agressive fish, because a reed would be out of the question.
  7. rubberduck

    cleaner shrimp

    by the way
  8. rubberduck

    cleaner shrimp

    yes but the way requires planing and setting up and MONEY plus if they dont makee it it was a waste, just let the babies be food
  9. rubberduck

    3 tangs

    IMO yes if they are smaller variety, and make sure to add them at the same time
  10. rubberduck

    Updates on new SW tank

    what do u think?
  11. rubberduck

    Updates on new SW tank

    a little cyno problem that is being taken care off
  12. rubberduck

    Updates on new SW tank

    here is mine
  13. rubberduck

    can i put 2 differnt kinds of pistol shrimp together?

    be careful, if there territories cross. it could be bad.
  14. rubberduck

    New tank with dead angel

    Originally posted by ScubaDoo A possibilty but hard to tell without a pic. yep need pics
  15. rubberduck

    feeding coral beauty question

    friend feeds them frozen and dryed alge flakes
  16. rubberduck

    new addition!!!!

    very cool
  17. rubberduck

    Anyone with Bow front tanks?

    good start
  18. rubberduck

    Is This A Killer??

    he is fine now after i moved him, he is just a little stressed. everythings fine now
  19. rubberduck

    Is This A Killer??

    he is now gasping and has shrunk considerably. i need help ppl is there any hope?
  20. rubberduck

    Holy Smokes

    yes e-mail me the auction site at