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  1. cartman101

    Two triggers??

    u should not have gotton the niger! They get cloudy eyes and it seems like it wont clear up it just keep getting worse
  2. cartman101

    what should i do?

    sorry to be pushy but i need answers!
  3. cartman101

    trigger has cloudy eye!

    posting this every where cause i need urgent answers!! How do i get rid of it?? Feed him garlic? How do i do it? Feed him vitachem?? Help! cant lose this fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. cartman101


    Originally Posted by reeferDC she is in 11th grade! LMAO! I asked her out when we where both in 7th grade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are both 16! LOL DOPE!
  5. cartman101

    what should i do?

    lfs only has "vitachem" is that good???
  6. cartman101

    what should i do?

    so whats it look like? And do you think my mom would know since she cooks?
  7. cartman101

    what should i do?

    ok only eye is cloudy and it seems bad today! So what do i need????? What brand of garlic? How do i use? I CANT LOSE THIS FISH!!!! :help:
  8. cartman101


    not in a 90 maybe for a little bit
  9. cartman101

    The Japanesse officialy rock!!!!

    it was like 26ft long
  10. cartman101

    The Japanesse officialy rock!!!!

    Originally Posted by Speg Wow... these things have never been seen alive right? (before this anyways?). correct
  11. cartman101


    a 7th grader!? Man you are in 11th grade(same as me). Why would you want to go out with her?????? :notsure: When there are hotter woman in 11th grade???? :notsure:
  12. cartman101

    Bamboo Shark 4 Sale in Tampa fl

    i just moved to missouri from florida I would of have taken him
  13. cartman101

    what should i do?

    new trigger. His eyes is not puffed but its slightly cloudy. And where can i get this garlic? yes hes eating perfect
  14. cartman101

    The Japanesse officialy rock!!!!

    They have just found and video taped a living "giant squid"!!! Go to and search for Giant squid video. Its past the 2 page for sure very cool! Who else knew this?
  15. cartman101

    what should i do?

    i tried feeding him some spinach but he wont go after it
  16. cartman101

    what should i do?

    water is perfect Nitrate-close to 0 Nitrite-0 PH-8.2 salt-1.024 no ammonia
  17. cartman101

    bad news and good news

    its a point and shoot camra
  18. cartman101

    what should i do?

    My trigger has one cloudy eye! Should i add copper? What food should i feed? Thanks, want him to heal! How dangerous is this situation?
  19. cartman101

    Cycled...Now what fish?

    wait at least 6 months before getting a anemonea. They require excellent water quality
  20. cartman101

    My tiny harlequin tusk and niger trigger

    i got a question for u. Did your trigger ever ram into the glass before? Mine has.