posting this every where cause i need urgent answers!! How do i get rid of it?? Feed him garlic? How do i do it? Feed him vitachem?? Help! cant lose this fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by reeferDC
she is in 11th grade! LMAO! I asked her out when we where both in 7th grade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are both 16! LOL
a 7th grader!? Man you are in 11th grade(same as me). Why would you want to go out with her?????? :notsure: When there are hotter woman in 11th grade???? :notsure:
They have just found and video taped a living "giant squid"!!! Go to and search for Giant squid video. Its past the 2 page for sure very cool! Who else knew this?