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  1. cartman101

    Orange Linkia sick i think

    my guess is that, take off that leg, it would grow back. BUT listen to beth she knows what to do
  2. cartman101

    niger trigger problems??

    ok just got me worried. I notice on one of his eyes that its not very clear but its not very cloudy. Will this go away? Cant post a pic becuase i have a very bad camra
  3. cartman101

    niger trigger problems??

    Well this is the 3rd day i have had my niger. For about a minute or so he kepps ramming into the tank is this normal?? I never did before.
  4. cartman101

    Lizard question! ITS LONG!

    one last question. Would the leopard geck tank heat up my room really bad? My room is all ready kinda warm from my tank.
  5. cartman101

    to get or not to get a snowflake

    Originally Posted by ThaNgBom he will eventually eat them.. 2-3''.... and the eel is 8''..... i thnk it's a no go buddy..eels grow fast.... so in time he will eat them.. A snowflake will not eat his fish
  6. cartman101

    My tiny harlequin tusk and niger trigger

    cool! i have a niger too! they are sweet
  7. cartman101


    blue dots are hard i dont reccamend you getting one. maybe get a yellow spotted ray?
  8. cartman101

    What fish would you be?

    Ok, Lets say one day you were born a fish what fish would you want to be? It could be fresh or saltwater. I would wanna be a great white shark so that way i can act like the real "Jaws"
  9. cartman101

    eels in a 110g

    or if you want a very nice eel that wont bite you if you pet it, that gets very fat go with a zebra eel
  10. cartman101

    eels in a 110g

    well if you want a shy/beautiful eel i would go with a goldentail moray. If you want a active and very popular eel go with a snowflake eel
  11. cartman101

    Do you start getting coraline when your tank is established?

    yes, it growing a little bit. I transfered the rocks,sand and some water from my 55gal to my 125gal
  12. cartman101

    Some reasons that it's great to be a guy:

    Originally Posted by TangMan99 If your parents were poor when you were a kid, you still had something to play with! :hilarious
  13. cartman101

    I'm back!

    pixar! you mean The movie company pixar?! Are they making finding nemo 2???????
  14. cartman101

    Some reasons that it's great to be a guy:

    The worst thing about being a guy - your girlfriend hates you because you spend way to much time and money on your fish :mad: The best thing about being a guy is -there are plenty of fish in the ocean (if you know what i mean )
  15. cartman101

    How many name their fish?

    Niger Trigger - Nigel Goldentail moray - Killer Blue velvey damsel - Slapper (slaps all the fish with his tail )
  16. cartman101

    How do I kill the algae????

    Originally Posted by nikolai I just waited a couple of months.... now I do frequent water changes. of doing what???
  17. cartman101

    Difference between terarium and aquarium?

    sure. Usully there would be a tag at the bottom of the tank that says "dont fill with water".
  18. cartman101

    puffer question

    it will grow back