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  1. cartman101

    bad news and good news

    todd, my tank has been up and running since late july. nanocuber7, i have a velvet blue damsel and a goldentail moray in the tank. getting a lion end of this month
  2. cartman101

    fish per gallon

    do a search at the top for it i bet you will find many of answeres
  3. cartman101

    May the force be with you texas!

    Originally Posted by lovethesea The entire states are not effected. Way inland you may see a lot of rain and even a lot of wind damage. But both states won't be entirely wiped out thank goodness. it would be kind of funny if all the hurricanes this year went to loisiana and misissippi
  4. cartman101

    New Eel Pics......Green Monster

    doc, you have a nice set up there But what tank size are you upgrading too and when?
  5. cartman101

    where can i buy a sand dollar?

    Originally Posted by Tyedyed1 pretty funny but i do it for only $1.99 gas fee . but really, i think its illegal to have more than 2???? something like that i live down here in florida and the beaches have signs that tell about all that kind of stuff( if its legal or illegal, how many of...
  6. cartman101

    post pics of your favourite fish

    what tank is the morrish idol in????
  7. cartman101

    A Few Pics Of My 90 Gallon Fish Only Tank

    dude, does your picasso pick on your lionfish? I want one so bad put i herd i cant get one because the picaso will pick at my lion
  8. cartman101

    bad news and good news

    seem like my pictures are scareing people away
  9. cartman101

    May the force be with you texas!

    man what if it hit Louisiana or mississippi?? There would be no more louisiana or mississipi! Think about it 2 states....gone.
  10. cartman101

    So... I got my tang today...

    see if you can take him back
  11. cartman101

    bad news and good news

    yes i know kinda bad pics huh
  12. cartman101

    bad news and good news

    well i wanted to post this now becuase i will be using my dads computer and i dont want to take up that time to creat this thread on my dads computer and then post the pictures. Its quicker if i just post the thread on my computer then post the picture on my dads computer. Plus i'm sending the...
  13. cartman101

    bad news and good news

    Well the good news is that i got my tank picture back from development! bad news is i dont have a scanner So maybe later tonight i will head down to my dads computer to scan the pictures
  14. cartman101

    May the force be with you texas!

    well incase you dont know this(you gotta be the dumbest person on this planet if you dont) theres another monster storm out there with winds up to like 180mph!!!! Its coming right to you texas! Everyone in texas that has fish send them up to me i will proctect them!!! (note: you may not get the...
  15. cartman101

    Maui, Hawaii

    y would u wanna see a yellow tang when there one of the most popular fish in the aquarium trade Go out looking for a much more "rare" tang
  16. cartman101

    New Eel Pics......Green Monster

    you got a green moray!? Man your tank is BEYOND overstock!
  17. cartman101

    If you had a 1,000gal aquarium.....

    what would you put in it???????? :thinking: For me: -green moray eel -a black tip shark -nurse shark -school of butterflys -Volitan lion Am i overstocked yet?
  18. cartman101

    tigger fish with starfish?

    does this line up sound ok? -goldentail moray -V.lion -picasso trigger -lunare wrasse Some guy has a picaso in a tank with a lion and there were no problems
  19. cartman101

    Is a goldentail Moray reef safe?

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy Depends on your definition of reef safe. It won't eat corals. It will eat small fish and crustaceans though. they are mainly fish eaters, a cleaner shrimp would be fine, same with snails and hermits.