dude, goldentails are awesome looking! very very shy though They wont eat corals, may knock some rocks over when they get bigger(keep rock secure), they may eat smaller fish. They require a 55gal+
Originally Posted by Hunter29
i have a 20 inch snowflake and i feed him by hand. he bites occasionally but it doesnt hurt just a little pressure kind of like a pinch
yeah, but snowfalkes dont have sharp pointy teeth
Originally Posted by Cartman101
cool! What kind of trigger is that? I'm thinking about getting a trigger but one that is nice (wont eat my starfish or pick at my lion)
Niger right?
Originally Posted by TexasMetal
I would think the Grouper would eventually eat the Snowflake. They have big BIG mouths. My girlfriend wants one but we only have a 100 gallon. Sounds similar to the fish I want though. Instead of a Grouper I want a Dragon Wrasse or a Foxface Lo, and instead of a...
i got one and my tank has been established for 2 months and my starfish is doing awesome! He doesn't eat any of my hermits or snails, he will come to the surface, lay back his arms, then i will drop some flakes on to his arms.
Originally Posted by jcrim
Depending on the size, those fish would likely be fine together. I'd do at least a 125 gallon tank. Take that 30 and make it into a refugium.
More like a 180! That panther and porc will get HUGE!