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  1. cartman101

    Is a goldentail Moray reef safe?

    dude, goldentails are awesome looking! very very shy though They wont eat corals, may knock some rocks over when they get bigger(keep rock secure), they may eat smaller fish. They require a 55gal+
  2. cartman101

    Parameters after water change????

    you must get your nitrite down to zero! Your nitrates your fine. How long have you had the tank?
  3. cartman101

    Brown Stuff?

    if you have the filteration, skimmer,fuge,ect. and start using ro/di water for water changes it should maybe take a month or so
  4. cartman101

    Hey Cartman...

    just emailed you
  5. cartman101

    geting bit by a goldentail moray

    Originally Posted by Hunter29 i have a 20 inch snowflake and i feed him by hand. he bites occasionally but it doesnt hurt just a little pressure kind of like a pinch yeah, but snowfalkes dont have sharp pointy teeth
  6. cartman101

    how much are these worth??

    i wouldn't put the angler in with the trigger
  7. cartman101

    Some more new pics!!

    Originally Posted by Cartman101 cool! What kind of trigger is that? I'm thinking about getting a trigger but one that is nice (wont eat my starfish or pick at my lion) Niger right?
  8. cartman101

    Some more new pics!!

    cool! What kind of trigger is that? I'm thinking about getting a trigger but one that is nice (wont eat my starfish or pick at my lion)
  9. cartman101

    tigger fish with starfish?

    no one??
  10. cartman101

    how much are these worth??

    those could be worth weell over 100!
  11. cartman101

    tigger fish with starfish?

    is possible for a trigger fish to live with a choclate starfish? Do you think it will kill the starfish?
  12. cartman101

    newb to the aggresive scene

    Originally Posted by TexasMetal I would think the Grouper would eventually eat the Snowflake. They have big BIG mouths. My girlfriend wants one but we only have a 100 gallon. Sounds similar to the fish I want though. Instead of a Grouper I want a Dragon Wrasse or a Foxface Lo, and instead of a...
  13. cartman101

    Choc Chip star

    i got one and my tank has been established for 2 months and my starfish is doing awesome! He doesn't eat any of my hermits or snails, he will come to the surface, lay back his arms, then i will drop some flakes on to his arms.
  14. cartman101

    newb to the aggresive scene

    Originally Posted by jcrim Depending on the size, those fish would likely be fine together. I'd do at least a 125 gallon tank. Take that 30 and make it into a refugium. More like a 180! That panther and porc will get HUGE!
  15. cartman101

    Clown with no stripes?

    you should call him nemo! He is a unique clownfish you know :thinking:
  16. cartman101

    Not Bad For My Apartment

    save those fish and get a bigger tank NOW!!
  17. cartman101

    geting bit by a goldentail moray

    Do you all think it will hurt if i got bit by a baby(8in long) goldentail moray?
  18. cartman101

    snowflake agression

    oh wait i got you mixed up with the dude that has the tesse and other eels in his 125gal! Sorry about that!
  19. cartman101

    Lizard question! ITS LONG!

    yeah i know I guess its with leopard geckos! stupid mom
  20. cartman101

    Lizard question! ITS LONG!

    pplan didn't work! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: