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  1. chevron tang

    please clear up confusion

    is it true that the sand sifting stars will kill your critters in your sand. i mean i know they eat some of them but is it like a mandarin for instance in that it will destroy the entire population quickly. someone who knows for a fact please clear this up.
  2. chevron tang


    wow alot of responses on this one. i agree with everyone. there was NO EXCUSE for her to do something like that. i mean come on 5 kids. don't you think after her killing about the 3rd one she would have started to realize what she was doing. she is really sick. i can't believe someone could be...
  3. chevron tang

    How to feed Frogspawn?

    you can try if you want but it's not really necessary. if you have sufficient enough lightning then you should be ok. they will feed off of the light and the elements such as calcium, etc.
  4. chevron tang

    Just Your Thought.

    alot of times when they get stressed out there color will fade out for a while. i would definitely give it a few days before i purchased it.
  5. chevron tang

    instant ocean or reef crystals??

    i would just stick with the instant ocean.
  6. chevron tang


    there used to be a forum to just chat about anything and everything but they took it out.
  7. chevron tang


    yeah just a little far but thanks. :p are there any clubs in your area?
  8. chevron tang


    the eel should be ok in that tank for awhile if you get him small. if you want to use the filter from your fw tank you can just change out the biowheels. and you really don't need anything else
  9. chevron tang

    What is the best Calcium and Alk test kit?

    i agree with broomer on that one. i really don't care for fastest kits.
  10. chevron tang


    ok i don't seem to be getting much response about this club. come on guys. i need to get some in put. i got plenty of it the first day i mentioned the club and now what. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />
  11. chevron tang

    Best place for open brain

    mine liked low lighting and little to no current. that was before i forgot about him and he fell between a rock and got no light and died. can ya'll believe i forgot about a $50 coral. yeah i'm kicking myself for it still. this just happened a few days ago.
  12. chevron tang

    90 gallon set up

    ok the mushrooms and the bubble should be fine. and just about any anemone would be ok. just be careful what type you get bc some as you have probably read will eat your fish. as for the sps corals i would wait. i personally believe they need more lighting.
  13. chevron tang

    sea urchins...good or bad

    about the only urchin i know to be reef safe is the royal urchin. if i were you i would look into getting one of those. they are really pretty. they are kinda like a royal purple color. as for any other urchin i wouldn't dare put one in my tank. every now and then i hear of someone getting lucky...
  14. chevron tang

    Fragging Hammer coral?

    sometimes when they reproduce they will frag themselves i guess you would say.
  15. chevron tang

    color changing feather dusters?

    not really sure how fast they reporduce but yes they do come in many different colors.
  16. chevron tang

    How do I know copepod are present?

    DAB pods come in all different sizes and shapes. you can also see them at night after your tank lights have been off for about an hour. if you get a flash light and shine it on the tank you can sometimes see them running around on your lr. the more the merrier. predators right i would look into...
  17. chevron tang

    Sand clouded tank

    broomer's right give it a chance it will settle out. sometimes it just takes a good while.
  18. chevron tang

    90 gallon set up

    well it's some pretty good lighting. what type of corals are you wanting to put in there?
  19. chevron tang

    Corals look sick

    i agree with everyone. just be patient and give it a little longer. your ph isn't really bad. the ideal ph for a saltwater tank is 8.2 so your ok.