The only other thing I could think of is maby some strange type of sponge or polyp. But the blue color?
I already searched my data base I made, and couldn't find anything even close to that thing.
I hope someone can identify it for you. I would like to steal the picture and add it to my files...
Originally posted by CindySki
by the way i am talking about the little blue ball there in the middlish of the pic :thinking:
Are you sure someone didn't put that in there to mess with your mind? :thinking:
Is it growing? is it as shiney as it looks in the picture?
One of the kids dropped a...
Originally posted by Kipass4130
i suggest chaetomorpha.. but yep.. it will still need lighting... i think around 4wpg is suggested.. i have had it for a little while now and it does a good job so far with a little less worry
this particular macro is known for not releasing toxins back into the...
Welcome to the board!
Some also say that an Arrow Crab will cut down the population, but I have no experiance with them.
The LR question....
All rock is different. I have cured "uncured" in as little as 10 days, but plan on 2 weeks to maby a month. Depends on which meathod you choose to cure...
I don't get mad, just try to reason. Many foods that
fish eat are not in the trade, or offered, nor do we
even know what they all are. Many of the algae that
some fish are fed, may not even be the kind that they have
grown up on. So they have no choice but to adapt to others.
As you said, one...
Ebo Jager is all I use....I just checked one and it says "Min water level" its submersable.
I have the old style with just numbers for settings, and the newer ones with actual temp numbers.
Both work Great.
When I first came to this board and was told to do a "search" for something, I had no idea that that search button in the upper right corner even exhisted.
Thrown in, just incase
Thanks 007,
I saw your last post on that magic nomber "231"
But do you think I can ever remember it. :thinking:
Many years ago, thats all I used when I was building my own tanks. I think I have "old timers disease".
ggaT :)
Originally posted by SquishyFish
Ground spinach...Most ppl on here, including myself, will tell you that it is a bad idea to feed them anything they would not get in the wild. Spinach isnt as bad as, god forbid, ice berg lettus..but still not the best. Squishy
True, but if you were one of my...
You had to make me curious didn't ya.
Measured the outside (including plastic frame) of a 55 gal.
48.25 X 12.75 X 20.75 = 12765.14 cu. in
or 7.3872 cu. ft. X 7.48 = 55.2565 gal
Hmmm..... you don't fill it to the very top, and the outside dimentions of the moldings are much wider than...
Say your tank was 48 long, 18 high, and 18 wide:
Take 48" X 18" X 18" = 15,552 cubic inches
divide by 1729 to get cubic feet
(12 X 12 X 12 = 1729 cubic inches in a cubic foot)
Convert to cubie feet = 9
7 . 480 gal per cubic foot
9 X 7.480 = 67.32 gal tank
Clowns can be rather strange. I have a mated pair of Clarkii that like to fight (so it looks like), all day long, but they sleep togeather in the anemone at night.