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  1. tagg

    sw shelf life

    If you think...... take a drink If taste fine...... fish won't mind When in doubt...... pour it out Sorry, I couldnt help myself
  2. tagg

    Hair Algae

    You can have both. If you mix them togeather the CC will come to the top. (not good idea). You can use LR or other obsticles to partition off an area for a sand bed, but the critters will move the CC & sand around too. Remember to vavume the CC if you have much of it. I have two 55's that are...
  3. tagg

    Hair Algae

    Originally posted by HLP Is LS better about algae growth? It can be.... but water flow and nitrAtes are the biggest factor. I have some CC, but mainly LS
  4. tagg

    Hair Algae

    Originally posted by <">< I had green hair algae and now where that was it seem to be brown almost fuzzy stuff. Is this a whole other algae or is this just the dead green hair algae?? I would venture a gess that it's a different species. Better than too much hair algae :D
  5. tagg

    Hair Algae

    Hermits, Enerald, A LMB, various shrimp, Brittle & Serpant stars, many snails(variety) Something different in each tank I gess. 12 tanks at the moment.
  6. tagg

    Hair Algae

    It will just slowly die back until it ain't no more. You could try cutting back a bit on the length of time that the lights are on. That will slow the growth pretty good.
  7. tagg

    Hair Algae

    Oops.... Forgot to mention that the better the water circulation... the less cyano will grow.:yes:
  8. tagg

    Hair Algae

    If you are concerned about the cyano, it can be removed to a degree by lightly scrubbing it off (remove the rock from tank). Some type of Coralline will eventually take over (may be a while though)....I have both in my tanks. The green hairy stuff won't hurt anything. Just dont let it take over...
  9. tagg


    The Coral Banded Shrimp can be a whole different story. They seem to be agressive towards others.sometimes. :nervous: "King of the Hill" one could say......
  10. tagg

    Hair Algae

    I would venture a gess that your water conditions got better so that the green algae took over and eliminated the Cyano. :joy:
  11. tagg

    Hair Algae

    Cyano (red slime)......Bad stuff
  12. tagg

    Hair Algae

    Coralline Algae.....Good Stuff
  13. tagg

    Pepp. shrimp Question

    Thanks Bang Guy, I saw 1 adult male that lookes like he was protecting them, while 1 female pawing at the top of the water tryinh to collect them (or eat them) I only see the babies at night when they collect at the surface under a light. (massed in some floating Caulerpa. This should be fun...
  14. tagg

    Uh Oh?

    I would leave them in. I doubt if very much chemical got into the water. What did will also be absorbed by the LR. Charcoal will absorbe the chemicals (if any) from the Windex. If you don't have a filter that can hold charcoal, imprivise. A plastic bottle with small holes in the bottem, filled...
  15. tagg

    Uh Oh?

    IMO Don't do that again....Windex I mean... Use Vinegar/water solution for cleaning the glass If you don't want to start over (I wouldn't), Get some heavy-duty charcoal filtration going. Then hope for the best......
  16. tagg

    Can't find southdown, what else to use?

    For what its worth, at least 5 cents....ya think? I couldn't find any of the sands that everyone recomends I went to the lumber store and got 200 lbs of sandblasting sand. That would be like 99% silica. Nice white pure sand. No problems what-so-ever with it.
  17. tagg

    Pepp. shrimp Question

    I have a tank with mushrooms, anemone, coral, plants/algae, and 1.2 billion pods. There are 5 peppermint fish, 3-4 BL hermits, snails Pumps are shut off.....using air for water movement now A hundred or so 2 day old baby shrimp swimming around Question.... will the adult shrimp eat...
  18. tagg

    What are these?

    Need more info: 1. Size ( an head. pea size. 1/8th inch) 2. Are they crawling on rock or free swiming 2.Color Discribe.
  19. tagg

    OT: What .......

    Originally posted by Watergal I meant addiction not addition - but it does become an addition I guess..... I think I need to go to bed:sleepy: :sleepy: night-night :sleepy:
  20. tagg

    Snail ID

    Not sure, but it may be a Pyramidellid species. Do you have any clams in your tank? Tagg