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  1. tagg

    Who started out with Tap Water?

    I couldn't vote either. Aprox 2 years now, started with well water and still using it. (no choice) A bit of algae problem, but I can't seem to shut off the lights. They may be on as much as 14 hours a day sometimes. Never had any disease problem until last order of fish. but I won't get into...
  2. tagg

    Freshwater Dip?

    Correct me if I'm wrong: Its my understanding that a clown fish is the exception for a FW dip. You should "never" do a FW dip on a clown.
  3. tagg

    How many fish?

    Originally posted by karajay WELCOME to You will need to scratch the first two completely. Both will be too large for a 37g. (Adult naso tang= 18 in.) The clowns would do OK. I'm not sure whether or not all of your cardinals would get along. :thinking: Yup. What karajay said. You...
  4. tagg

    Question for

    Originally posted by sting_ray29 Also, what time do they usually arive? I live in Minnesota Where abouts in MN are you? I can tell you that in Duluth they land about 7:30am, and sometimes they go through Rochester or Minneapolis. Tagg
  5. tagg

    Water Treatment

    Originally posted by Kipass4130 luckily... my RO/DI system came with a Di bypass and RO only valve for drinking water.... been drinking it about a year now... no worries That sounds like a good system you have there. Some day....I will be able to get something like that. I'm getting tired of...
  6. tagg

    Water Treatment

    Originally posted by karajay And yes, you can drink the water from your RO/DI unit. People have them installed in their homes all the time. :) I didn't say that you could not drink it. I said it is not good for drinking. Some say its good for you. Some will say its not. I'm one that will...
  7. tagg

    Water Treatment

    Originally posted by Lbg4life01 I am to invest 239.00 into this machine! Please tell me I can drink this water too? Sorry,:eek: RO water isn't good for drinking
  8. tagg

    Is this aptasia?

    What are those little things that are about 1/4 to 1/2 inch. Inbeded in LR. Ther look like the top of the birdy in a badmitten game. I always called them a glass anemone. Slightest thing,,, and they retract...? A polyp?
  9. tagg

    Is this aptasia?

    #'s 1 and 2 possibly aiptasia #'s 3 and 4 possible glass anemone But don't quote me on that. I'm on my old computer, and resolution on it is terrible. Tagg
  10. tagg

    Starfish ID Please

    Serpent and brittle are both fine, if it looked white / light gray, its a good chance its a serpant. Just keep track of it. Prob only caues a prob when larger if other species (chew on corals, eat inverts, stuff like that. Tagg
  11. tagg

    Why is my tank still foggy?

    I would....Can't hurt. Tagg
  12. tagg

    Guess my avatar

    For as long as that litthe fat guy has been dancing, you think he would be alittle skinnier by now. Tagg
  13. tagg

    live sand

    What else is in it? LR, Fish, Inverts, Coral etc. Tagg
  14. tagg

    ID please.

    I'd say its a bunch of bristle worms. I've seen them at 1/4 inch and there were a pile of them. Later on, pick up a rock or two and see if a bunch skurry down into the substrate. (2 weeks). They are a sign that thinghs may be doing good in your tank. Couldn't find much else on the algae. Tagg
  15. tagg

    ID please.

    Originally posted by atf88 do u think it will b ok as long as i keep it under control? Not if it takes over the tank. I'll do some snooping Is this the type worm by chance? Bristle / Fire worm?
  16. tagg

    ID please.

    Not sure what type worm your talking about, but may be a bristle or peanut. :confused: It may be a new hatching. They won't hurt anything if that is what they are. I would try to eliminate the bubble algae if you can. I've never had it, but they say it will spread like crazy. By then you may...
  17. tagg

    ID please.

    Originally posted by atf88 yup, but pink... Here's the thread..... Tagg
  18. tagg

    ID please.

    Does it look like this? (the ball thing) Photo be CindySki (previous thread)
  19. tagg

    Sick looking fish

    Originally posted by olimark I also noticed the the color in all my fish is faded and that some show signs of white spotty stuff on the fins. Does it look sort of like this? Brooklynella
  20. tagg

    Quick question

    Originally posted by LemonShark I keep it at 1.021 it helps keep ich away. In a "reef" tank? :nope: IMO minimum 1.024 That may help keep ick away, but a reef will not do too well at that low of salinity. Tagg