Search results

  1. addicted2

    Triggerfreaks 20 long mixed reef.

    very nice! I love your goby..I just ordered 2. your corals are really nice too! what is the name of the one in the bottom right corner?
  2. addicted2

    *addicted2's 75 gal tank diary*

    Originally Posted by mie Nice tank. Your blenny looks a little skinny hopefully it's the pic. which blenny are you speaking of?
  3. addicted2

    Haven't been around

    Beautiful Tank! I love your rics too! You're lucky your jawfish settled in the front! He's so cute!
  4. addicted2

    *addicted2's 75 gal tank diary*

    contemplating.....should I scrape all that coraline off the back glass???
  5. addicted2

    Just Got My T-5 Nova Extreme Lights

    Originally Posted by michael76lll some pics of my tank with the nova extreme light fixture! Just wondering what kind of angel that is to the left of the hippo tang?..I really like it!
  6. addicted2

    Looking for a 30" strip light

    Originally Posted by GRabbitt I've got a 30" T5 Aqualight (36 watts, I think, including actinic) that I will not need for much longer. I'm in the process of breaking down the tank at the moment, and I can probably help you out if you're interested... sounds good..e-mail me
  7. addicted2

    Looking for a 30" strip light

    Originally Posted by bessycerka Coralife makes an inexpensive T-5 low profile light strip with 2 bulbs for about $50, they are available in 2 versions, 1 for freshwater, and another with the actinic for saltwater. And if you wanted more light, you can put up to 3 light strips on the top of a...
  8. addicted2

    *addicted2's 75 gal tank diary*

    Originally Posted by zeke92 lol, sebastions tank, thats cute. i really like your tank. i shoulda got better rock so i could do what you did. but my rock sucks shape wise and can't do squat nice tank thanks for the compliment! Let's see a pic of your tank...every tank is do with...
  9. addicted2

    Angel Contest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    Here's my little pygmy angel.."babyblu"
  10. addicted2

    *addicted2's 75 gal tank diary*

    Here ya go! New pics of my tank! 10 months and still goin'!!!
  11. addicted2

    fairy wrasses? which one for community tank?

    Which fairy wrasses are compatible??...peaceful?...invert safe?...I am wondering because I want one!
  12. addicted2


    anyone know anything about these?..are they good to get..SWF has them on special right now.
  13. addicted2

    brown algae

    how old is the tank?...if it is fairly new..don't worry. It is most likely diatoms..and it will pass. Just keep doing your water changes, use RO water if possible... and watch not to me..the brown goes away.
  14. addicted2

    Looking for a 30" strip light

    I am looking for a 30" strip light that can be used for a freshwater setup. Preferably one that can house more than one bulb. My son has a 30gal high freshwater tank and only has one bulb strip light that does NOT give enough light for his plants. I know this is a saltwater forum but thought...
  15. addicted2

    My dreams are comming together!

    beautiful tank!
  16. addicted2

    live rock set on sand or on glass?

    I put eggcrate down first then some base rock..then my live rock. the sand goes all around the baserock and that has created some really great caves and caverns for my gobies etc...looks nice too..that way..any tunneling goes on and all the rock stays in place
  17. addicted2

    Clown Fairy Wrasse??

    Are they a peaceful wrasse? I have wanted one for quite some time but not sure if they get along in a community tank?..any thoughts?.. KerriAnn...what other fish do you have yours in with?
  18. addicted2

    My 125 reef

    Definitely the nicest looking 125 on this thread! whatever you're doing? have the knack for it. amazing
  19. addicted2

    check out my sweet 29 gallon bio cube.

    very nice! the glass is so clean and the sand so white!!!!!
  20. addicted2

    *addicted2's 75 gal tank diary*

    wow..looking at these pics I must take some new and post them! Things have changed a little...