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  1. addicted2

    Dwarf Angels in a Reef tank? Need advice!

    I have a pygmy with yellow face...she doesn't bother any of my corals...she just grazes on my rock all day long...
  2. addicted2


    I have 2 150MH and I put mine in medium flow about in the middle of my tank height...It seems to like it all the time.
  3. addicted2

    Coraline Question

    I have always just let mine grow on the back so I do not have anything to compare it with..I just like the way it looks. natural.
  4. addicted2

    I need some suggestions! want more colors!

    Here's my tank...almost 10 months old. I really think it needs more color with the corals... right now I use an aqualight pro...> two 150MH 10k....2 corals seem a bit drab...any suggestions?
  5. addicted2

    Random tid bits of advice

    Originally Posted by Nano Reefer Almost only counts with horseshoes and hand grenades. not to change the subject but are those zoas in your avatar yours?..if so...what are they and where can I get em'???..they are awesome!
  6. addicted2

    What do you wish you never added to your tank?

    someone gave me a golden headed sleeper goby cause it got to big for their tank..I took it out of the goodness of my heart because I don't really think they are pretty, I NEVER would have bought one!...well, to make a long story short..He makes a MESS! he sifts sand while swimming around my tank...
  7. addicted2

    *addicted2's 75 gal tank diary*

    My cute little hawkfish showed a nasty ugly side today ...I was sitting in front of my tank taking a well deserved break from some landscaping (don't get me wrong...I love working in my yard) and right in front of my eyes my hawk grabbed a snail off the glass an preceeded to try and rip him out...
  8. addicted2

    What is Your Favorite Movie, and Why?

    Originally Posted by seasalt101 jfk casino braveheart patton these are movies all with somewhat historical value, and good action and that is what i like in a movie...tobin Patton was an excellent movie! George C Scott nailed him. Patton was such a proud man....How often do you meet someone...
  9. addicted2

    What is Your Favorite Movie, and Why?

    oooooh my! hard to choose just 3...but...I have so many I love! ok..let's see.. Reservoir Dogs...each and every character was so different and perfect! You couldn't of had one without the other..they all fit. Casting was right on. One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest...(I'm an inpatient mental health...
  10. addicted2

    lighting for 75 gal reef???

    would I be able to upgrade the bulbs to 250's???
  11. addicted2

    Lets See Who Has The Best Tank

    here's mine...I don't like to miss an opportunity of showing off my tank..
  12. addicted2

    lighting for 75 gal reef???

    I am asking for suggestions for lighting for my tank...I currently use a 48" aqualight pro that has two 150w metal halides plus the actinics and moonlights...I currently am using the coralife 10,000k halide bulbs that came with the light and was wondering is there other bulbs that would show off...
  13. addicted2

    CONTEST: most colorful reef!

    here's mine..not that colorful yet..only about 9 months old..but it will be..I love my tank
  14. addicted2

    *addicted2's 75 gal tank diary*

    Originally Posted by reefernana Wow, great looking tank! How do you keep the sand so clean? the beginning I had the normal algae blooms like everyone else..but I just had to be patient and persistant with maintanence ie: water changes etc... ....then I got a couple sand sifting...
  15. addicted2

    Lets see-full Tank Shot

    wish mine was a little more colorful..but hey..I love my just don't do it justice.
  16. addicted2

    *addicted2's 75 gal tank diary*

    I've been adding a few things to my tank and haven't posted here are a few pics....For some reason the camera doesn't do the colors justice. any suggestions?? right side left side another left another left full view
  17. addicted2

    Favorite bumper stickers.....

    Alcatraz swim team
  18. addicted2

    going to start giving bad advise

    I'ts a common thing..some people opt for the advice that tells them what they WANT to is unfortunate for the little fishies. No patience, No research, No sense... we live in a "I want it the way I want it and no body , no how , is gonna make me see it any other way" world. ... spoiled ...
  19. addicted2

    Explain this to me because I don't get it!

    not receiving a ticket/fine at all???......priceless
  20. addicted2

    ICECAP electronic ballast for sale

    Model # 660-009 Brand New in box! goes for about 160$ give or take a little depending on where you shop! I won this in a raffle and have no use for it. soooo...Make an offer.