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  1. addicted2

    Cutest Blenny Picture!

    never saw a blenny that wasn't cute!
  2. addicted2

    Too good not to share

    I love wrasses...I am hoping to come by a nice colorful fairy wrasse sooner or later...
  3. addicted2

    New purple LTA!

    That thing is absolutely beautiful !!! It would look stunning in my tank. (just in case you ever want to get rid of it!)
  4. addicted2

    First corals!!!!!

    look at those little cuties!
  5. addicted2

    my 29

    Very nice! I started witha 29 gal..had it like 15 years...just went to a 75 last year. I loved my 29..only reason I took it down is it developed a leak. I had really good luck with it tho' Yours is looking really will only get better..keep up the good work
  6. addicted2

    new side shot take one and share it

    Murph..your tank is something! the color is amazing !!! I have yet to see one come close.
  7. addicted2

    Coral Keepers 2 gallon Damsel tank Diary.

    I know what you mean....I have a 10 gallon that I house only one 3 stripe damsel in...he was so mean! When I finally upgraded tanks...I put him in my 10 gallon quaratine tank....and almost 1 year later he is still there living happily ever after. Of course I remodeled for him..added some live...
  8. addicted2

    ricordia, clove polyp, yellow sun coral, red shrooms

    that sun coral is gorgeous!
  9. addicted2

    Jellyfish from the Monterey Bay Aquarium

    the pics are great! jellies are so neat!
  10. addicted2

    Nano Macros - Soon to be Mantis species tank

    one of the nicest nanos here...the zoas are incredible...a mantis will complete the look for sure..they are definitely an interesting creature!
  11. addicted2

    My baby b&w clowns.... cute. very nice.
  12. addicted2

    just got a new camera

    those are nice pics! ummmm....maybe you should come over and show me how it works...
  13. addicted2

    New Pics

    beautiful "wrasse" ya got there...
  14. addicted2

    My Blue Spotted Grouper (Peacock Hind/Argus)

    beautiful fish! looks like he'll grow way up!! by the size of his mouth I bet he could have his choice of snack if ya know what I mean....
  15. addicted2

    Haven't been around

  16. addicted2

    Clown Fairy Wrasse PIX

    I love that fish! very nice! I want one...are they a peaceful fish??..I hear some wrasses are not.
  17. addicted2

    NM Reef

  18. addicted2

    Barred Moray Geting Teeth Cleaned

    That is the coolest thing!
  19. addicted2

    Mushroom Coral-Blue

  20. addicted2

    What Do You See?

    as the theme from "Jaws" plays in the background....