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  1. addicted2

    CBS peaceful or dangerous

    I have had 3 CBS through the years..they all lived a really long time and NEVER hurt/attacked anything.
  2. addicted2

    *addicted2's 75 gal tank diary*

    My newest addtion to my tank...A tiger jawfish!! He's been busy finding just the right place to set up house...and his *SpaceGhost! Doesn't he look just like him??!!
  3. addicted2

    LOOK! Meet my newest addition!! "SpaceGhost"

    Well, here he is! My newest addtion to my tank...A tiger jawfish!! He's been busy finding just the right place to set up house...and his *SpaceGhost! Doesn't he look just like him??!! I really hope he stays somewhere in the front of my tank!!!
  4. addicted2

    LOOK! Meet my newest addition!! "SpaceGhost"

    Well, here he is! My newest addtion to my tank...A tiger jawfish!! He's been busy finding just the right place to set up house...and his *SpaceGhost! Doesn't he look just like him??!!
  5. addicted2

    my humble attempt at a reef tank...

    Originally Posted by Rylan1 My next step would be to add some colorful coral, but it looks nice. Thanks! I want to for sure..I was leary at first and bought the cheaper ones..I was new at this coral keeping and kind of cautious..but now!..I am definitely looking for colour!!
  6. addicted2

    my humble attempt at a reef tank...

    Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy man that looks really nice and clean... loook how good those rocks look man.. thats a nice tank.. What size? thankyou it is a 75 gallon.
  7. addicted2

    my humble attempt at a reef tank...

    Originally Posted by wifishman1 is that a bi-color angel? does he mess with corals? i want either bi or flame angel. it is a pygmy angel..I bought here at love her. She doesn't bother anything...she grazes all the time....very peaceful too!
  8. addicted2

    my humble attempt at a reef tank...

    Originally Posted by kniquy Your tank looks amazing!! What do you do for your regular maintance?? What do you have for a clean up crew?? first off..thankyou! about my maintenance...well, it's pretty simple actually. I try and do a 10 gallon water change every 2 weeks..(about 15%) and clean my...
  9. addicted2

    my humble attempt at a reef tank...

    I only wish I hadn't started to scrape the coraline off the back..(me and my bright ideas) ...I got down to the white crust and decided to stop...I am hoping the colour will come back..It is looking like it just might do that. I really liked the colours of the coraline on the back glass...IMO...
  10. addicted2

    my humble attempt at a reef tank...

    Originally Posted by Dennis210 Love the coralline algae growth within the system. Also the rockwork isn't the typical wall - so hat's off to you. Fantastic system keep up the great work. Thanks...I wanted a different look than the wall of live rock...I have to just figure out how to place my...
  11. addicted2

    ICECAP electronic ballast for sale

    Originally Posted by fishfreek Does it come with heat sink and the harness? thanks whatever comes in the box..I am not sure..I can show you a me
  12. addicted2

    Water Changes

    Originally Posted by amanda46051 I am wondering how many change there water and how many do not? What are the consiquences of doing it or not doing them? I have heard to do it both ways. Please advise I do 10 % EVERY week! keeps the nutrients up and the water pristine! I don't know of ANY...
  13. addicted2

    New Light

    I leave mine on..but I have alot of *jumpers....I know they say it is best to leave it off..but ON works for me.
  14. addicted2

    ICECAP electronic ballast for sale

    Originally Posted by Akidnamedchad how much are you looking for. im interested. 80$
  15. addicted2

    ICECAP electronic ballast for sale

    I still have this for sale..last person didn't come thru with the money.
  16. addicted2

    my humble attempt at a reef tank...

    Originally Posted by Lecithin How do you like the Banggai? Its the next fish into my tank! I love them..they are really a nice addition..very peaceful...and they hang around together all the time..swimmin' buddies. You'll love them I am sure.
  17. addicted2

    *addicted2's 75 gal tank diary*

    Originally Posted by kidreef it looks like a hairy mushroom if you mean the pink one on the top far left??.. I don't know..the ones below the toadstool are the hairy ones I believe..the big pink one has large nubs on it's flesh that are spread apart...not sure what kind it is..when I bought...
  18. addicted2

    my humble attempt at a reef tank...

    thanks everyone..
  19. addicted2

    *addicted2's 75 gal tank diary*

    Originally Posted by bcott Beautiful tank! I was wondering how does your hawk get along with your shrimp? Those hawks are one of my favorite fish but the shrimp I currently have has got to be one of the most entertaining things I've ever but in my tank. Thankyou!! I have a cleaner shrimp and a...
  20. addicted2

    *addicted2's 75 gal tank diary*

    Originally Posted by kidreef WOAH that shroom is huge if you mean the pink one on the top far left?? I know!! I have to get a better pic of just that mushroom! It is growing like a weed and I don't know what to do with it! I am not sure of the exact species..but I thought it was neat when I...