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  1. addicted2

    29 gallon biocube aquascaping/other pics...

    I like the rockwork..really nice! it will only get better the more "stuff" you add..
  2. addicted2

    New 80G tank

    BEAUTIFUL tank! BEAUTIFUL colours! I wish I had a liitle more "knack" at placing my corals...I just don't seem to "get it"..anyway..nice job you've done!
  3. addicted2

    She came home with a new carpet

    40$!!!???!!! wow! nice find!
  4. addicted2

    underwater Close ups

    nice pics Bonita! I love your carpet too! the pink shrooms are beautiful!
  5. addicted2

    This sucks

    if a 55 is what you really want and can afford...wallyworld has them real cheap.
  6. addicted2

    It's been snowing for 3 days - tank photos

    real nice tank! I know what you mean about 100's of shots..and few worth posting..I do that too...fianlly I just post some..I get impatient. and time is NEVER on my side! You have done well my friend! keep up whatever you're doin'
  7. addicted2

    my humble attempt at a reef tank...

    here it is... one year old shots. first.. one of the first days my tank was up and running.. it is now.. and a few more.... left middle right and another from the end
  8. addicted2

    A few of my zoas...

    I love zoas! yours are absolutely gorgeous! I have a few..but the zoas availability in my area is very small...almost none..I intend to get more...if I ever come across any!
  9. addicted2

    powder brown tang definitely have a beautiful fish there! I love the of the prettiest in my opinion.
  10. addicted2

    *addicted2's 75 gal tank diary*

    I know what you mean...I started to scrape the coraline off my back glass too as you can see...and it is definitely a job!!....I got the outer crust off (the purple color)...and it left white underneath...but I quit..aside from it being really hard, I liked it more with the purple coraline on...
  11. addicted2

    *addicted2's 75 gal tank diary*

    Let's try this year old shots. first.. one of the first days my tank was up and running.. it is now.. and a few more.... left middle right and another from the end
  12. addicted2

    *addicted2's 75 gal tank diary*

    here are some new pics of my tank! 1 year old Dec 31, 2007 woot woot!! WOW how time flies!!
  13. addicted2

    6 Months Later...

    I remember when my clown was hosting my xenia...rubbed the pour thing down to a nub. Nice tank by the way!
  14. addicted2

    its almost time to restart (just like 1yr ago)

    welcome back! I am sure we ALL will be looking forward to your next setup!!
  15. addicted2

    New 80G tank

  16. addicted2

    sand on corals (watchman.)

    my diamond goby gets sand on my corals too..but he really keeps the sand nice! all I can say is just bloe it off with a baster.
  17. addicted2

    corals lose color

    I am not sure..I will be watching this thread for answers..I am curious...your lights be strong enough..etc.
  18. addicted2

    Green Sea Grapes (Pic) - Opinions?

    I have heard it grows like a weed..and can become a problem....I use chaeto in my fuge.
  19. addicted2

    How Often/How Much do you change Water?

    10 to 15% every week..once in awhile I skip a week..but not often..
  20. addicted2

    clownfish and bubble anemone

    ya know..I have had my clown and bubble tip for almost a year..and he FINALLY hosted it...I was beginning to think it just wasn't gonna happen...all I can say is be patient??