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  1. addicted2

    another bubble tip question

    Originally Posted by superparadise lol... i didnt realise they pooped yep, they do.
  2. addicted2

    bubble coral update yezzzz

    looks like it is coming along very well...I love bubble corals...I had one in the beginning but did not do well..I was new and didn't care for it right...and then I have read many times they do not travel/ship well...sooo...I am going to try again though. keep up the good work!!!
  3. addicted2

    HELP with anemone.. I don't know what happened

    how sad...I agree with the others...doesn't look good at all.. I would also pull it from your DT. Can't hurt it any worse than it is now..but you could hurt your main tank by leaving it in there. Like they said'll be able to tell as soon as it breaks the water surface. sorry.
  4. addicted2

    Starring in "cozy bed" my *sweet baby james

    Just some pics of my clown in his anenome...took him 8 months! but he found it!!! I'm in heaven, And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak....... COZY BED he is soooo cute!
  5. addicted2

    *addicted2's 75 gal tank diary*

    Just some pics of my clown *sweet baby james in his anenome...took him 8 months! but he found it!!! I'm in heaven, and my heart beats so that I can hardly speak..... COZY BED
  6. addicted2

    which coral will host a pair of false percs?

    Originally Posted by paintballer768 Ahaha at least you found the smiley I cant wait for mine to host a coral of mine, yet I think the coral has to be a little bit bigger than the clown, which can be an issue (Im growing out frags, and he seems to be winning). yes...I wish you good luck...and...
  7. addicted2

    which coral will host a pair of false percs?

    nonetheless.....watching a clown love anything...whether it be a coral or an anemone is what this hobby is all about....when my clown finally took to my anemone it made my day..and my effort at this hobby was worth all the ups and downs it has given me...I love watching him cuddle and float in...
  8. addicted2

    What would you have done?

    Originally Posted by jpc763 So my feeling is that I am a customer just like the 3 guys. I am not an expert, but I believe that I am a little more informed then they seem to have been. As this is one of two LFS in my area, I have made purchases there and will in the future. I felt that it...
  9. addicted2

    which coral will host a pair of false percs?

    In my 29 gal clown hosted my pulsing DEATH! rubbed the poor thing right down to the bare rock!!! When I upgraded to a 75 gal, I bought him an anemone...took him 8 months!!! but he found it!!! WOOT WOOT!!!!
  10. addicted2

    My New 90 Gallon Setup!!!

    gonna be really nice!!!
  11. addicted2

    New Light, Rock, and Aquascape

    what is that dark red plant/algae?...I love that! oh...and nice lights/rock work!!! sooooooo clean and pretty!!
  12. addicted2

    Red Reef Safe Fish

    I have a flame hawk...I love him...I have a 75 gal with lots of fish and inverts..he doesn't bother anything..I did see him go after a small snail I had once...but that's it..I have a cleaner shrimp..and a coral banded shrimp...a fighting conch...hermits..snails..etc....never bothered anything...
  13. addicted2

    What's the best Sand-cleaning/sifting fish?

    fighting conch. they do a great job and are really weird to look at...strange eyes, snout..whatever you want to call it...long nose-vaccuum hose kinda appendage..and that FOOT thing! whoa! definitely wierd.
  14. addicted2

    Every how often should I feed my trumpet coral with shrimp?

    where did you place yours??? I have one and it is sticking in the and right now...
  15. addicted2

    My Birthday presents!!

    me too...I would love to have one...but I have a tiger serpent star and I can't part with him..he would probably eat the clam..right?
  16. addicted2

    Zoas, Zoas, and Zoas!!

    I need some zoas like that.
  17. addicted2

    My Birthday presents!!

    beautiful clam! nice corals! you're right about that carnation nice!!!I am birthday is months away! and my wallet stills shows the Christmas blues...
  18. addicted2

    Looking for frags in PA.

    Originally Posted by m0nk Oh, I also have a single head of neon green candy cane (trumpet). this I would like. I live about 2 1/2 hours from ya.
  19. addicted2

    does colour ever come back after bleaching out???

    Originally Posted by peachie98 I'm a little concerned. I guess if they are all completely white, but still okay looking otherwise (they are still alive at least and opened up)...will they survive? If they won't I guess I should email swf and see what to do about it. It sucks I...
  20. addicted2

    bubble tip that never bubble tips

    I guess that's okay then...I was just wondering...I like that bubble affect tho'...but hey! it doesn't really matter... I am just glad my clown found it...That is probably one of the biggest reasons I started wanting a saltwater tank in the first place...I love the clown/anemone relationship...