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  1. addicted2

    question about dirty sand???

    Originally Posted by MaryG My sand was getting that dirty look. I got some snails, blue legs, and a sand sifting starfish. The starfish is awsome. Cleaned up the whole tank (55gallon) in a matter of days. I have heard that the sand sifting starfish eat alot of good bacteria too. I need my...
  2. addicted2

    just sharin a new pic of the tank

    confession: I already have used his tank as wallpaper..
  3. addicted2

    Killer Mushroom

    I have this elephant mushroom....bought it cause I liked the was PINK! and it WAS alot smaller! Well, the thing is huge now, probably 9-10 inches across when fully's a pic...this was taken months should see it now! HUGE! scares me, I just pray everytime I look in...
  4. addicted2

    just sharin a new pic of the tank

    once again..I'm in awe. Very nice Murph.
  5. addicted2

    Fnaaly Dean's tank diary

    Beautiful tank! I miss the "just set up" excitement!! It will only get more beautiful as each day passes now! It was worth the wait!
  6. addicted2

    question about dirty sand???

    Originally Posted by spanko If you have to move the tank anyway, gonna have to empty it, just get new sand. But to answer your question yes you can get the sand white again. Put in an army of Nassarius and an army of Cerith snails. well, not to sound cheap...but I already have a 75 gal...
  7. addicted2

    question about dirty sand???

    question is:.....after sand gets that dirty look...brown with some green...from "less than good maintanence"...does it ever get white again? I am considering taking over a small saltwater tank (30gal) of a friends...but their sand looks like crap. Everything else in there looks fine...any...
  8. addicted2

    GreenReefer's 125 Reef

    what IS with the duck in your avatar???
  9. addicted2

    reef safe butterfly???

    Is there such a fish?...anyone have any experience with one and if so...what kind? I would like to one to my tank but almost everything I read says not reef safe.
  10. addicted2

    55 Gallon (Mainly salt, some freshwater)

    I love your rock! looks like solomon island rock..that's what I have..I love it! it looks really nice with coraline....)
  11. addicted2

    GreenReefer's 125 Reef

    looks like you got yourself a bunch of mermaids/boy..... I'm not sure there's enough room for all of them tho'...(taking into account their tendency to double/triple in size..)
  12. addicted2

    Oneradtek202's 75 gal reef

    "I see threw you"??? Maynard James Keenan quote. (perfect circle)
  13. addicted2

    Oneradtek202's 75 gal reef

    Originally Posted by oneradtek i dose with calcium when needed and dose twice a week with dkh buffer. other than that, i just do regular weekly water changes to keep up with trace elements etc. Me too...I rely on the water changes alot. seems to works out. your tank is really nice! keep it up
  14. addicted2

    Oneradtek202's 75 gal reef

    Very Nice! I like the rock work too! It's nice to see something different than the usual "wall". What do you do with your tank concerning calcium, and other minerals...etc?
  15. addicted2

    75 and 90 Gallon FTS

    Originally Posted by reefkprZ my 75g. I wanted to tell you I love your scopas tang! I had one since I started my tank almost 2 years ago...Unfortunately he just passed away...I miss him He really set my tank off....I think they are very under rated! I will definitely have another.
  16. addicted2

    ICECAP electronic ballast for sale

    no..I meant it sold already...sorry Fisherman2.
  17. addicted2

    ICECAP electronic ballast for sale

    this ballast is SOLD! yeah!!
  18. addicted2

    Buying Fish and Others Online

    I can honestly say that I have made approx 7/8 orders from here and I have been more than pleased with the fish. a couple were smaller than I would have liked..but their health was very good. I continue to order from here with no hesitation. I have had a minimal fish loss from them and they have...
  19. addicted2

    My Blue Angelfish

    Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick This was the biggest waste of time I've ever spent. I couldn't believe the hundreds of times I had to check "no" or "skip"... nothing makes me more mad than stupid sites like these trying so badly to sell products to you that you don't want. If that link...
  20. addicted2

    My Blue Angelfish

    wish I had a 150 gal...AND a blue angel.