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  1. deltablack22

    Sailfin Mollies

    Originally Posted by MichaelTX if by going the way everyone above has said just throw them into the SW. I know that guppies and mollies can survive the change to saltwater very easily. its best though to slowly raise the SG of the water they are in over a couple of weeks till its the same...
  2. deltablack22

    Good Luck in Baghdad Journeyman!!

    Originally Posted by armywife1314 good luck. my husband leaves for iraq in a few weeks. he'll be in mosul, close to baghdad. (of course he'll be fighting) Your both still in danger so keep safe, and come home! Dont get me wrong, Mosul is no cakewalk... But what exactly do you fight working on...
  3. deltablack22

    the truth about palytoxins

    Originally Posted by Tizzo So my neighbor got a splash of "brain juice" in his eye when he was acclimating. He didn't lose sight except for 2 weeks and his eye was as swollen as a baseball!! Funny in retrospect but at the time he thought he was gonna die, LOL... It prolly wasn't PALYtoxin...
  4. deltablack22

    invasive algaes: be aware

    At first I was stoked thinking someone else had a macro algae overgrow their tanks and stunt some coral growth - I was really looking forward to some mutual griping.
  5. deltablack22

    which is easier?

    Originally Posted by kirkland IMO, soft corals are easiest, then lps, then anemones and lastly, sps. we don't keep sps because they are more difficult, need more flow and lighting, and Iagain this is my own opinion) This is a pretty standard opinion shared by most people I know... I'd say...
  6. deltablack22

    which is easier?

    This question would make me believe you have little to no experience with either coral or anemone and should probably look into soft corals to begin with. That is a typical starting point in coral and if your lighting permits you will be able to move on to LPS and SPS down the road. I...
  7. deltablack22

    Any Martial Artists?

  8. deltablack22

    Dark Red Growth

    Calm down with the cyano bacteria comments...... Usually the first place cyano shows up is on the sandbed - not the LR. Dont start telling someone to dose their tank without a proper ID. The original poster needs to either post pictures or do a search for "cyano bacteria". The purple algae...
  9. deltablack22

    What would you pay for this coral

    Yeah looks to be at a minimum $100 piece...
  10. deltablack22

    What do you do with old tank Water?

    I have no idea if its safe for the septic system (which my home runs off of) so I pour mine into a natural area behind the house.
  11. deltablack22

    Fuzzy Dwarf Lion

    Nala says: "I'm reef safe but cant be trusted around anything I can fit into my mouth!"
  12. deltablack22

    Lets see those Lionfish!

    How did I miss this thread??? BUMP!!!!
  13. deltablack22

    I want a frog spawn....

    Well I can vouch for reliability in the NOVA fixtures but have no experience with Sundials. I'm sure they are decent lights but im pretty crazy about researching what I buy so I'd try to get some input from sundial owners to see what all they keep under the lighting and what kind of issues if...
  14. deltablack22

    Which Lionfish

    Nala says: "I love frozen foods"
  15. deltablack22

    DeltaBlack22's 20L Frag Tank Diary!!!

    Third and final set...
  16. deltablack22

    DeltaBlack22's 20L Frag Tank Diary!!!

    More frags...
  17. deltablack22

    DeltaBlack22's 20L Frag Tank Diary!!!

    Well I'm finally home and had a chance the other night to take a few new shots of the frag tank... It was late and only the blue lights were on but once I do a few things to the tank and figure out this new camera I'll repost some better pictures.
  18. deltablack22

    I want a frog spawn....

    I would much rather spend the extra money on T5's than PC's. You wont have to replace bulbs as often and the output allows for a greater stocking range. I've had two of NOVA's fixtures for about 15 months now and havent had any problems out of them. If you are resourceful, you should have no...
  19. deltablack22

    WE CAN DROP our Gas prices!!!

    Originally Posted by digitydash I had it on msnbc and sayed 1/3 of Iraq gas and deisel goes to the black market.Who is keeping this track of this stuff?It is also unknow how much oil is stolen cause they brak pipes befor the plan. Think about the pipeline in Alaska that stretches the expanse...
  20. deltablack22

    Google yourself

    Im a bull rider and high school football star... 50% Reality...