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  1. deltablack22

    Coralife Digital Thermometer Problems?

    Originally Posted by vanrynd I used the cora life digitals (had two) until they read about 10 degrees different. I then went to another brand of digital- put 2 in tank- and it was no where close. and only lasted 1 month. bought 2- 1.49 glass thermometers- 1 in fuge, 1 in DT....I was off over 10...
  2. deltablack22

    DeltaBlack22's 20L Frag Tank Diary!!!

    Originally Posted by kaingers Frag tank looks great! When are you going to send some of those frags to Raleigh!? I am in a pickle between a frag tank and a breeders tank. Not sure if I should set anything up just yet as I am graduating in December. Keep up the good work I havent started to...
  3. deltablack22

    Why is Everyone so Against the War?

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Here is one Thanks for that, I had seen the zeitgeist movie before but never a counter.
  4. deltablack22

    Coral Keepers 10 gallon dart frog diary.

    Originally Posted by Coral Keeper If someone would be nice enough and give me a single dart frog for free, I'd me MORE than happy to set it all back up and make it even better. I still have all the equipment for the tank. Bump for a free frog..................
  5. deltablack22


    Originally Posted by bionicarm You will rarely find a community in Texas south of Austin that isn't as you term "overrun by Mexicans". If you're looking at living on the coast, then Corpus Christi, Port Aransas, or Rockport are very nice communities with a variety of ethnic backgrounds. Even...
  6. deltablack22

    Coralife Digital Thermometer Problems?

    Originally Posted by Devil Dog Big Digital Temp Alert there about $35... I had about 4 of the Coralife ones before I went to the Big digital... hope that helps Indeed it does... Sounds like you had a bad experience with them as well I'm guessing?
  7. deltablack22

    DeltaBlack22's 20L Frag Tank Diary!!!

    Originally Posted by monsterM Those are pretty nice pics. Awsome corals. What camera are you using? Thanks. The camera is a Sony DSC H-9, the old pics on this thread are all from a T-9 but they both seem to take pretty good pictures using the macro mode. If I ever learned the camera I...
  8. deltablack22

    Help!!! Fuzzy Dwarf Is Dying

    Well she didnt make it through to the following day. I cant be sure that whatever was causing the strage behavior attributed to the death since she was beat up so bad by the Coral Beauty. We got her in Atlanta a little over a year ago and drove her 7 hours home. Took awhile but she...
  9. deltablack22

    Help!!! Fuzzy Dwarf Is Dying

    I was really tempted to add the stress coat becase I know she's stressed out and her fins are torn up. I didnt though. The light is off in the tank and will probably remain off (aside from ambient light) so she can be left alone. Temp is reading 81.7 in the quarantine right now but she has...
  10. deltablack22


    Looking at moving to TX in about 6 months. Are there any coastal towns not overrun by Mexicans? I dont want my son coming home speaking Tex-Mex and wearing a bandana...
  11. deltablack22

    No QT

    Originally Posted by crimzy I gotta be honest here, if you lost many, many, many fish to ich prior to using QT then you had bigger problems in your tank than ich. And I don't know what fish you have so it's difficult to discuss whether a 10 gallon is appropriate. However, IMHO the vast...
  12. deltablack22

    New 75g build, few questions

    Nice... Debating buying a used 75 right now, gotta go check it out this weekend. I'll be watching the thread and if I get my own I'll be sure to do a thread on it.
  13. deltablack22

    Help!!! Fuzzy Dwarf Is Dying

    Quarantine tank is set up with what I had on hand... Not perfect but hopefully it will work. I have some stress coat, since she got tore up pretty bad by the Coral Beauty you think I should add a little?
  14. deltablack22

    Help!!! Fuzzy Dwarf Is Dying

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Three gallons is rather small, but it is better than the breeder tank. Add rocks so she can have her cave. The rocks will help with the biological filtration as well. I would check the water daily though. It is a shame because she would have likely been fine in a...
  15. deltablack22

    fish2's 20gal tank diary

    Originally Posted by fish2 i so happy! i got my first coral its a bubble You posted this on 4/4, yet you can clearly see this coral in a post from 3/16... Tank was posted on 2/23 with water and sand, LR added the following day and then more on 2/26. Then the pseudo was added sometime between...
  16. deltablack22

    Rics Or Zoos What's Your Favorite?

    Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11 ya zoos +1
  17. deltablack22

    Help!!! Fuzzy Dwarf Is Dying

    I can try but I dont know how good it will be for her. I've got a 3 Gallon tank I could convert from the existing tank water but it would only have a heater and powerhead for circulation... Would this be enough? I've got some spare PVC I could add but how often would I need to change the...
  18. deltablack22

    Help!!! Fuzzy Dwarf Is Dying

    10 Days ago... The Coral Beauty destroyed her fins in less than a half hour when I was away from the tank!!!
  19. deltablack22

    Help!!! Fuzzy Dwarf Is Dying

    Here are some shots from a few minutes ago...
  20. deltablack22

    Help!!! Fuzzy Dwarf Is Dying

    My stupid Coral Beauty is now picking on her and has messed up her spines!!! I just moved her into a specimen container to keep them separated and I've got it to where the tank water is lapping into it providing heat and flow... Shes lost some color due to the coral beauty picking at her...