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  1. deltablack22

    Lets make those EXTREMELY nice expensive zoo's affordable!!!! =)

    Originally Posted by alix2.0 i really like this idea, if it works out maybe we could try it with other semi expensive / hard to get frags too. the most important thing is to get a VERY responsible QB. i trust reefkprz's integrity and that of many others on this site, but still, all someone...
  2. deltablack22

    It Seems Like My 75g is missing something?

    Originally Posted by SpiderWoman I'd take the skeletons and conch shell out too. +1 I think the biggest eye sore is the pot though... I've always liked the "natural" look.
  3. deltablack22

    XBOX 360. Halo, Call of Duty, Gears of War???

    Call of duty IV hands down... Speaking of IV's, how about giving GTA some credit here.
  4. deltablack22

    Bristol Worms??

    Bristle worms are good... "Fireworms" are bad... Most likely you have one of the many beneficial bristle worms and shouldnt worry about them.
  5. deltablack22

    Just a few quick ?s

    Most people wont go through the trouble of drip acclimating their clean up crews. I just float 'em to get the temp the same and usually add some tank water to the bag with a cup. You should be able to use those 5 gallon buckets to acclimate your fish as long as they dont have any soap residue...
  6. deltablack22

    Which Hydor Koralia for my aquapod 24

    Seems like everytime I respond in this thread I've been drinking. I meant overrated......
  7. deltablack22

    Difference in fish

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Well, there you go. In that case percs would not be a good idea. I still have my Maroons in QT because I know that my lion could eat the male. The full growth of both Percs and fuzzy's tell me that if the Percs were grown before you get the lion then he would be...
  8. deltablack22

    Are They Alive Or Dead

    Yes I have bought a seahorse in the mail before and they were not motionless... You may want to pony up on that arrive alive thing ASAP.
  9. deltablack22

    Difference in fish

    I would never keep occelaris OR perculas in a tank with a fuzzy. Yeah you could probably get away with it for awhile but when one of them disappears just remember I said "I told you so" and skip feeding your fuzzy for a few days. My fuzzy ate a 7 fish school of chromis over a period of a few...
  10. deltablack22

    Help please!

    I think somethings nipping the fins too. In a tank that size its probably the bristle worms.
  11. deltablack22

    Which Hydor Koralia for my aquapod 24

    Originally Posted by airandsea I just orders a koralia 2. I got it for $33.90 shipped. Just curious, for the guys and gals who don't live near places such as Florida, Cali and other places like those, do you purchase a lot of you stuff online. Most of the stuff that I have found at the LFS...
  12. deltablack22

    Which Hydor Koralia for my aquapod 24

    Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22 Im pretty sure its the 1, but I run a #3 in my 20 gallon frag tank blowing from one end to the other and its perfect. I think these things are underrated. SORRY, I MEANT NUMBER 2'S................. THEY'RE THE 600 GPH UNITS.
  13. deltablack22

    Which Hydor Koralia for my aquapod 24

    Originally Posted by airandsea Wow, I think the 3 is like 850 GPH right? That doesn't blow your substrate all over the place?? I want fish as well as zoo's etc. I've got plenty of zoos in my frag tank as well as a sixline and clownfish. i have it blow toward the surface and across the tank...
  14. deltablack22

    Help please!

    A whole 10 gallons for the lion? Really? Kinda like putting a betta in a shotglass.... Is there anything in the tank that could've gotten ahold of him?
  15. deltablack22

    Difference in fish

    They are both have a very distinct look... If you want a visual reference take a look at "fish" tab on the left. They should have decent descriptions on the respective pages as well.
  16. deltablack22

    Someone id this please

    I would leave it alone unless it started disentigrating... LPS are notorious for recovering even it doesnt look like they'll make it.
  17. deltablack22

    Which Hydor Koralia for my aquapod 24

    Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy Cant remember if its 1 or 2. Which ever is the one ahead of the nano koralia Id go with. the 400 gph one! Should do good Im pretty sure its the 1, but I run a #2 in my 20 gallon frag tank blowing from one end to the other and its perfect. I think these...
  18. deltablack22

    What do you think?

    You could always put him in the microwave, video tape it and send me the Tube link...
  19. deltablack22

    Difference in fish

    Maroons are more aggressive.
  20. deltablack22

    Does moving the rock work?

    Originally Posted by Guille Does moving the liverock really help attitudes when adding new fish?? HOB is right. The theory behind it is that is destroys the established territory...