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  1. deltablack22

    15 gallon frag tank!

    I think his temp is money... I keep mine at 80-82.
  2. deltablack22

    Why I haven't been on SWF in awhile....

    Originally Posted by reefkprZ there are limits to what you can cram into a nature tank I wasnt expecting a community tank, but more of an explanation behind stocking this sort of tank I suppose. Also, what kind of lighting and substrate would be ideal in these applications?
  3. deltablack22

    Why I haven't been on SWF in awhile....

    Ok, when I look a little closer I can see some red colored tetras and clear shrimp. I've got a book somewhere with some amazing planted tanks. My favorite ones housed small schools of cardinals - the contrast was incredible. You did a really good job Pro, I'd say these are "book worthy".
  4. deltablack22

    Why I haven't been on SWF in awhile....

    It looks like you have 4 planted tanks and only 1 betta. I dont see any inverts or fish in the other tanks... Is there a reason for this?
  5. deltablack22

    Cutest thing Porkchop!

    Thats a pretty unique pose. I didnt even know we had those in NC until a few days ago and I saw one chillin on my sons power wheels truck. Good pics....
  6. deltablack22

    we need to but aqua corals!

    I would rather pour battery acid in my eyes than read through this thread again. It's like bunch of rapists cheering at a feminist rally. Memo to everyone in here, your all part of the problem. Dont get me wrong, I'm all for living the American dream and putting whatever you want in the...
  7. deltablack22

    Operation remove kenya

    I'd use a blade and scrape the rock where it was at for any remaining base material.
  8. deltablack22

    Tattoo in the forecast!

    As long as you dont get straight up wall art and it actually means something, then great. Theres nothing worse than the idots running around the beach with tribal crap and chinese writing.... Its about self expression right? Whats with all the lame tats lacking any sort of creativity or...
  9. deltablack22

    Yes, you can use PVC cement!

    Originally Posted by otley 1975 I ran water 15 minutes after I used primer, cleaner and glue with no problems. Just make sure to wipe the excuse off. Yeah, wiping the excess off may work but its still smart to let it cure completely. Maybe its just me, but when water tight seals are the only...
  10. deltablack22

    15 gallon frag tank!

    I think the tank may be a little small for the bangaii, they like caves too and you wont be providing that in a frag tank.
  11. deltablack22

    Glove Questions

    Originally Posted by Greg9871 i thought that the reason for the gloves was so that toxic things such as some paly's wouldn't kill you, feel free to correct me if im wrong. Honestly a lot of people do wear gloves to avoid bristle worms, but they should be wearing them to avoid palytoxin. I...
  12. deltablack22

    Glove Questions

    Originally Posted by jpc763 NOTE: I have not used these yet and can easily return them so no flaming!!! I picked up the gloves recommended above at Harbor Freight. They are "lightly powdered with sbsorbable dusting powder, U.S.P., Absorbo' powdered corn starch". A couple of questions. 1 -...
  13. deltablack22

    Just picked up my 450 gallon!!

    The pics are classic, that thing is huge! With a tank that big what kind of support equipment are you looking at doing? I cant even imagine having to do water changes, but with the volume your gonna have I guess you wouldnt have to do it very often.
  14. deltablack22

    Just picked up my 450 gallon!!

    What I wanna see is a size comparison with someone standing by the tank...
  15. deltablack22

    Intorcuding Domink...

    I support your decision to get his ears cropped... I think people play up that issue way too much. We do it to little boys across the country daily yet people get upset when you crop ears and tails.
  16. deltablack22

    15 gallon frag tank!

    Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11 wait if you dont have any LR in that tank is there a reason for cycleing or will it even cycle? Yeah it will cycle... Bacteria live on everything not just LR. Notice the sand in the tank? The only issue he may have doing it before putting in the LR would be...
  17. deltablack22

    Jawfish help please sick or prego?

    You should just leave these guys alone... If they just settled into the tank they probably arent breeding. Make sure food gets near their hole, if they're hungry they will eat it. Sounds like you have a varied enough menu that they will eventually take something. Other than that all you can...
  18. deltablack22

    Glove Questions

    Originally Posted by drpaul84 no powder, everything else i think is just personal preference +1 Or you could live on the edge a little and just wash your hands.
  19. deltablack22

    WOO!!finally caught this guy. now what is he?

    Yeah big claw/little claw means predator right?
  20. deltablack22

    Good or bad worm?

    Originally Posted by cmslick3 The Xenia being in the tank, or removing the worm? Maybe both... I would keep the Xenia out of your main rockwork because given the right conditions it can really overgrow a tank. Its your call though. No idea on the worm, but when in doubt I say flush it.