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  1. deltablack22

    LARGE Plywood Tank Build

    Look what happens, I miss a few days and I get back and people are wanting to fill your tank with horse swimmers. I TOLD YOU TO GET THAT WORKING PARTY AND FINISH THAT TANK!!! If you already had saltwater in there you wouldnt be getting these insane offers, but hell look at the bright side...
  2. deltablack22

    Some pics from my tanks...

    Originally Posted by rs1831 Funny you said that, I just got my frag tank set up today and that is going to be the first coral that I frag. I pretty excited. I'm going to post some pics tomorrow. Thank you for the nice comments. Lets see some pics of that frag tank... I lost my canes while...
  3. deltablack22

    Frag tank users need criticing on mine!!!!!

    Looks good man... With all that LR in there your gonna end up having a sweet Nano Display instead of a frag tank! Why did you get rid of the racks?
  4. deltablack22

    LARGE Plywood Tank Build

    My wife would leave me if I made that thing...
  5. deltablack22

    DeltaBlack22's 20L Frag Tank Diary!!!

    Thanks everyone...
  6. deltablack22

    Some pics from my tanks...

    The picture of the clown goby is really good - what kind of camera do you use?
  7. deltablack22

    Frag tank question..

    Originally Posted by Mr_X i set mine up as a complete system. i have a sump with 50 pounds of live rock in it and a refugium, along with a protein skimmer. i keep fish in mine for certain duties(cleaning up algae, adding nutrients...) +1
  8. deltablack22

    the truth about palytoxins

    Originally Posted by Mr_X i've never worn gloves. i just squint when i'm cutting I close my eyes sometimes too...
  9. deltablack22

    Cross's Tank.

    The tank is sweet and I love that branching LPS but I would get rid of the background. Take the time and paint it and you wont ever have to worry about water getting in between it and the glass - plus you can paint it for about half the cost.
  10. deltablack22

    Hair Cuts, Stupidity, Bald Spots, AND a Kicker!!

    Thats an easy fix... Shave your pits and use some superglue. If you have enough left over you could even give yourself a classic "beaver cuts" beard.
  11. deltablack22

    LARGE Plywood Tank Build

    Originally Posted by Bronco300 hahahaha, i always could use a nice deck, but i think itd end up being more me working while they sit on their butt watching,lol. True...
  12. deltablack22

    Am I ready for corals yet?

    The vast majority of corals dont require spot feedings.
  13. deltablack22

    Am I ready for corals yet?

    Yeah your good for coral. I would have to warn you on "easy corals" though. Some things like GSP, Xenia and mushrooms can really get out of hand under good conditions. I'm not telling you not to buy them, but I would isolate certain corals away from your main rock piles.
  14. deltablack22

    LARGE Plywood Tank Build

    Originally Posted by Bronco300 haha, i could get a truckload of people over here and it wouldn't speed things up, epoxy can only dry so fast I have a few things i need to buy, some acrylic rods to make spacers...and the silicone...then hopefully the glass will be here one-two weeks from monday...
  15. deltablack22

    LARGE Plywood Tank Build

    I think you need to buy a couple cases of beer and employ some of your buddies to finish this thing up. I'm ready to see a cycle...
  16. deltablack22

    we need to but aqua corals!

    Originally Posted by reefkprZ can a mod PLEASE change the title of this thread? its been bugging the crap out of me. I cant take it I'm about to snap and go postal. PLEASE change the BUT to BUY. agreed... +1
  17. deltablack22

    Snail ID (pics)

    Looks like a hybrid blue whelk tupperware lid to me.
  18. deltablack22

    id please

    I bet that rock is sitting on the porch right now... Hey, better safe than sorry.
  19. deltablack22

    DeltaBlack22's 20L Frag Tank Diary!!!

    Will do Brandan. If anyone else would like to save a slot I'll let you guys know before posting them for sale. I'm open to trades as well. Sorry to hear your losing your colonies AZ. You could always try giving someone frags to hang onto until you sort out that mess. At least that way you...
  20. deltablack22

    You will want to do this.

    Yeah, I'd be pissed....