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  1. deltablack22

    pls id...

    From you guys pictures the Q-tips appear to be growing out in broad daylight. Mine only grow in caves or dark areas like inside my skimmer.
  2. deltablack22

    Which Lionfish

    Thats a good question. I dont know for sure because I've never kept them together but I would assume given a decent sized tank and their temperment that you shouldnt have any issues. I'm curious to hear peoples experience with it too...
  3. deltablack22

    DeltaBlack22's 20L Frag Tank Diary!!!

    And finally, the two that call it home...
  4. deltablack22

    DeltaBlack22's 20L Frag Tank Diary!!!

    A couple shots from the sand bed...
  5. deltablack22

    DeltaBlack22's 20L Frag Tank Diary!!!

    Frags continued...
  6. deltablack22

    DeltaBlack22's 20L Frag Tank Diary!!!

    The following pics are of the frags themselves. I'll be splitting up some of these colonies here in the near future for sale/trade.
  7. deltablack22

    DeltaBlack22's 20L Frag Tank Diary!!!

    Now on to the frag tank - I really like this frag rack much better than the previous one that I had. I can actually get up underneath it to move items around and I have plenty of room around the sides to clean the glass. This is the new look thanks to light defusers, zip ties and off brand...
  8. deltablack22

    DeltaBlack22's 20L Frag Tank Diary!!!

    I cleaned up my display and added one of the larger rocks from my frag tank that had two bright green shrooms and a spaghetti leather on it. Here are the before and after shots.
  9. deltablack22

    DeltaBlack22's 20L Frag Tank Diary!!!

    Thanks fellas... Well I've finally got my tanks in order this weekend. I had a ton of hair algae in my display and my frag tank was starting to get overrun with coraline. I got it all cleaned up, built a new frag rack and will be posting some updated pics shortly.
  10. deltablack22

    Frag tank users need criticing on mine!!!!!

    Its good to see your still around... Wheres the pics?
  11. deltablack22

    Hydor Koralia - Which one for a 55g?

    Biggest you can buy x2, but then again I like a lot of flow.
  12. deltablack22

    How can I get higher nitrates??

    Originally Posted by fishfreak1242 Do you mean raising the amount of light or moving the fixture itself? Sorry about that, I meant physically raising the fixture. I assume you are using some sort of clamp on inside your stand so it shouldnt be a huge issue for you.
  13. deltablack22

    my new super rare zoos $$$

    I agree that based on the size of frag that it's probably not a "$50 a polyp" rarity.
  14. deltablack22

    How can I get higher nitrates??

    Originally Posted by fishfreak1242 white like white white. It is also just the half that is facing towards the light. They other half is green. That would make it a lighting issue then... Try raising the lighting or remove enough to allow it to "tumble" in the sump. And for the love of God...
  15. deltablack22

    Little worms, id

    Originally Posted by mscarpena They don't look like BW's to me. Are they hard or soft. They look like little fan worms to me. I have never seen a BW crawl up the side of the glass in 6+ years. Yeah, they look a little different to me too and I've never seen bristle worms scale the walls. OP...
  16. deltablack22

    LARGE Plywood Tank Build

    Ok girls, quit with all the bickering - your stomping on his thread. Thats one sick @$$ tank Bronco!!!
  17. deltablack22

    we need to but aqua corals!

    Originally Posted by sharkbait9 i don't think anyone was on a soapbox. You will read this thread and you will reply. Maybe I should've been a little more clear. Even though my post was right after yours, I was speaking generally on the atmosphere of this thread and not at anyone in...
  18. deltablack22

    Why I haven't been on SWF in awhile....

    As always, thanks for the insight RZ. You have also persuaded me never to attempt one of these tanks. If they are more difficult than reef its gonna have to wait another 30 years or so until I retire. I barely have time for the tanks I have now!
  19. deltablack22

    Just picked up my 450 gallon!!

    I was talking filtration - question answered - tango.
  20. deltablack22

    (First Reef Tank Ever) **** 600gal Display **** 1300gal System

    I read way back when that you replaced the top layer of sand in the tank every so often. Why and how and why again do you try to do that? That just seems like a needless undertaking and expensive at that. Speaking of the sandbed - WHERES THE CLAMS!?!? You've got plenty of room for some clam!