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  1. deltablack22

    share your prize fish

    Nala will hold it down...
  2. deltablack22

    zooanthids are a very popular coral so..lets get a database started.

    Originally Posted by detguy313 well the only things that have been done are croped and the image quality is not the best and i may have over sharpened a bit but other than that i do not alter my pics..sorry to bust your bubble but that is what it is What exactly would "sharpening" a picture be...
  3. deltablack22

    Hammer feeding???

    Originally Posted by vincent6396 what kind of food you feed it? Meaty foods. You can get frozen krill, shrimp, clam, scallops, squid... I used to spot feed my LPS when my fuzzy was full.
  4. deltablack22

    Nassarius Snail

    These guys love meaty foods and dont get too big. They stay buried in the sand until they "smell" food in the water and will come up to eat.
  5. deltablack22

    zooanthids are a very popular coral so..lets get a database started.

    A couple of Dets pics look digitally altered... (11 & 14 especially)
  6. deltablack22

    MY kinda new STINGRAY

    Originally Posted by txfishman just a question. What he heck is that in the 2nd pic of yours? It's a blurry grouper...
  7. deltablack22

    15 gallon frag tank!

    Yeah, I can see that you have enough room for a mag float in front of the rack but good luck when you need to get a blade on the glass to really keep it clean...
  8. deltablack22

    HELP HELP my tank is being overtaken by algae?

    That looks so much better now. I dont think I've ever seen so much hair algae in my life!
  9. deltablack22

    Best T5 bulbs

    I second the giesemann bulbs...
  10. deltablack22

    15 gallon frag tank!

    Looks good! I have a 20L frag tank and just a thought, you may want to make that rack longer instead of deep if you have enough left over eggcrate (which you should if you bought a new piece). If the rack is too close to the glass it will be really hard to clean. I'm about to rebuild my rack...
  11. deltablack22

    New Frogs

    Thanks for the set-up explanation. Sounds like a pretty easy set-up but how do you "feed" them? I'm imagining trying to shake fruit flies from a cup, into a tank, and then my wife coming home to a fruit fly invasion... I dont see that going very well.
  12. deltablack22

    Hawaiian Tidepool Critter & a Smokin' Snail

    Originally Posted by AuntKaren Thank you! I'll research and see what I can learn about them. No problem
  13. deltablack22

    Name calling

    Yeah I would think you would wait until you had enough to at least start making categories and such. I just wanted to make sure it wasnt going to be one giant thread before adding to it.
  14. deltablack22

    New Frogs

    Those guys are pretty sweet! I've always thought about housing a pair but never really looked into it (I thought you'd have to buy flies all the time too). What would be a good colorful "starter frog"? I saw the information you posted on fruit fly cultures but If someone wanted to set up and...
  15. deltablack22

    Name calling

    Hey Mike, I know your overseeing the zoanthid naming thread and I think its a good idea. For it to be effective I think you should try to group like polyps together. Any similar morphs should be back to back posts in order to keep the confusion down to a minimum. A thread isnt probably the...
  16. deltablack22

    Hawaiian Tidepool Critter & a Smokin' Snail

    It's a Helmet Urchin (Colobocentrotus atratus)....
  17. deltablack22

    Hawaiian Tidepool Critter & a Smokin' Snail

    The top pic is an urchin... My snails like to let loose into the water like that sometimes too. I figured it was wastes, but if its semen then more power to him. I've still never seen offspring as a result, im sure the skimmer and filtration make that impossible in a closed environment though.
  18. deltablack22

    MY kinda new STINGRAY

    Originally Posted by Tomato Clown This is a CCP from another source... There are a couple nice choices for those wishing to keep a stingray in a larger fish only tank set-up. Many rays grow to large to be housed in any tank set-up other than evident at a public aquarium, but there are a few...
  19. deltablack22

    zooanthids are a very popular coral so..lets get a database started.

    Originally Posted by reefkprZ Delta black zoanthids By rkZ very hardy likes all light conditions best in high light for color Did you name these? I think I need some sort of polyp royalties here...
  20. deltablack22

    this is disgusting...

    I got a buddy that would do that for free...