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  1. deltablack22

    Help!!! Fuzzy Dwarf Is Dying

    Well the results are in on the tests: Salinity: 1.025 Ph: 7.8 Amm: 0 Nitrate: 80 (never had a problem with this before) Nitrite: 0 Sep, I've taken a close look at her and cant find anything that looks unusual externally. Body shape seems to be normal and her belly isnt sunken in or bloated...
  2. deltablack22

    Help!!! Fuzzy Dwarf Is Dying

    --: I dont feed her daily, she is fed a variety of frozen foods and usually takes them every 3 days by hand. Prime: No cleaning products near the tank and no electrical tester although I had thought of stray voltage. The other fish and coral are fine though so I've pretty much ruled this out...
  3. deltablack22

    Help!!! Fuzzy Dwarf Is Dying

    The past few days she has been acting a little strange in my opinion and has been very comfortable out in the open water of the tank but my wife said she started doing this while I was deployed. She was eating every couple of days (handfed) and nothing has changed with her diet but would not...
  4. deltablack22

    Don't Do This!!!

    This is proof that the Chinese not only lie about nukes, but also state of the art filitration systems.
  5. deltablack22

    Coralife Digital Thermometer Problems?

  6. deltablack22

    are firefishes a jumping danger?

    Many fish even when not known as "jumpers" can take the plunge... I wish I had a tank with a full hood to prevent it but I've had to improvise with glass tops (not very fond of the air diffusion). The reason I went with glass tops was because I've had a firefish, jawfish and clownfish take up...
  7. deltablack22

    Good Luck in Baghdad Journeyman!!

    Originally Posted by Beth So, can you say what kind of living accommodations you are given while there? As a civilian contractor he should be hooked up real nice in a trailor all to himself, maybe one roommate. With the money he's making he could set up a nano out there pretty easily...
  8. deltablack22

    Coralife Digital Thermometer Problems?

    I have been away from my tank for awhile and one of my thermometers seems to be acting up. I have two identical ones as well as strips on both tanks for a general idea of temp. I noticed one tank reading 73.3 degrees on the Coralife so I put the other one in and it reads 80.0, the strip reads...
  9. deltablack22

    Good Luck in Baghdad Journeyman!!

    Originally Posted by armywife1314 no my friend, the rpg will penetrate but not have enough explosive power against the humvee so the put an ied onto the rpg and it has the normal rpg explosion first. then they detonate the ied. much more massive impact. has killed 6 of the 8 from my husbands...
  10. deltablack22

    Good Luck in Baghdad Journeyman!!

    Weather its IRL's or tripple stacked South African 155's, the moral of the story is to keep your eyes open when outside the wire and dont take any $*** from the locals...
  11. deltablack22

    Coral Keepers 10 gallon dart frog diary.

    Originally Posted by Coral Keeper I didn't get any grogs because my dad didn't let and my dad didn't let because they are too pricey. So, I took it down. Might make it into a frag tank now. Thats just sad... You showed some dedication here, I read through the entire thread and was let down...
  12. deltablack22

    Building extravagent stand.

    Well I'm waiting.... Please tell me its gonna have a mural engraved in it with Bush and Hillary in a fist fight.
  13. deltablack22


    Originally Posted by coachKLM just close the lid from back to front. +1 Also make sure your getting enough sample water on the glass. You will only usually get bubbles when you skimp on the sample water. I've tried the same sample with bubbles (a couple drops sample water) and without (a few...
  14. deltablack22

    Sailfin Mollies

    Originally Posted by rara12 If they're free you have nothing to lose. Just toss them in. This is my gut feeling as well, but the slower acclimation process would be the "right way to do it".
  15. deltablack22

    the truth about palytoxins

    Originally Posted by Bird Dog Rubber gloves hear I come Still dont wear 'em... You just lose so much feeling. Honestly I'm a poor role model because I have a full box of rubber gloves under my tank and I rarely use them. If it happens again I'll buy stock in rubber gloves, double my stash...
  16. deltablack22

    Sailfin Mollies

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 I think that is the idea that is running though some posters minds! Free fish food! Yeah, why not ya know?
  17. deltablack22

    Sailfin Mollies

    Originally Posted by armywife1314 just curious but is it just sailfin mollies or is it other types too? All molly variants are brackish and can live in fresh or saltwater. I've just heard that the babies can be an issue in a SW tank. I wanted some feedback from people who do it though...
  18. deltablack22

    Good Luck in Baghdad Journeyman!!

    Originally Posted by armywife1314 i hate that my husband fights for people like you and your freedom! USMC, just returned from Fallujah 11 days ago... I think I took care of the freedom thing myself.
  19. deltablack22

    Good Luck in Baghdad Journeyman!!

    Originally Posted by EL GUAPO Keep your head down buddy . I will keep you in my prayers . Remember that anybody wearing this should not be called a squid , sissy, pansie , or any other derogitory term . Unless they like stirring up trouble with SEALS... Never met one I didnt get along with.
  20. deltablack22

    Good Luck in Baghdad Journeyman!!

    Originally Posted by renogaw don't know about what someone would fight while working on helos, but a suicide or car bomb doesnt necessarily happen where someone works... I realize this... And in lieu of stirring up a mess and hijacking this thread I'll leave it at that. Take it easy journey.