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  1. sawsman

    peppermint shrimp on clean up crew?

    You will be better off with snails for algae. peps are more carnivorous in my experience. -sawsman
  2. sawsman

    Little White Fuzzy things??

    Your welcome, I believe they do molt and that it is normal, but maybe someone who knows for sure can enlighten us. I see them in my tank from time to time. -sawsman
  3. sawsman

    Couple of Questions water and salt Creep

    Look very close at the stalks of the plants... are they knobby (bumps)? I cant tell from the pics but it appears to be starts of sargassum. sargassum will range from a brownish-green to a pure green color depending on your lighting. When it grows larger 3-4" it will develope air sacs on them...
  4. sawsman


    how old is your tank? are you using r.o. water? are you testing for phosphates?
  5. sawsman

    Couple of Questions water and salt Creep

    Chris, thats good info from wax32, if I may add some advice also make sure the temperature of the water to be added is the same as that of your tank. the sprouting leaves could be sargassum- will be ok but you may have to thin it back at times. of course it could be something else. gotta pic...
  6. sawsman

    Little White Fuzzy things??

    The unidentified on your LR may be "Q-tip sponges", there's a pic in the hitchhiker thread. the suspended ones may be pod moltings/coverings?!. are they more clear (see-through) or are they more white colored? exactly how big are they? -sawsman
  7. sawsman

    Reef lighting

    It depends on what type of corals you are planning to keep. Do as much research as you can on any specimens before you get them and get the best lighting that you can afford. It really does depend on what kind of corals... research, research and research some more. do a search on this site for...
  8. sawsman

    nudibranch / sea slugs HELP!!!

    richie1742, Im assuming you have a case of the "red" flatworms, if so and there's alot of them then you may want to consider the flatworm exit like Thomas suggested. as for my case they're not that bad yet and I thought that a more natural approach with the sixline might be worth a try. -sawsman
  9. sawsman

    Fluval 404 For 75 Reef?

    murph and yetti, totally agree also. I'm also planning on a 125 gal down the road and planning on running it similar to yours murph, great tank! I'm still a fluval fan but I dont think that it should be the only filtration source on a reef tank. -sawsman
  10. sawsman

    nudibranch / sea slugs HELP!!!

    hey richie1742 are you maxed out on your fish? I just recently added a sixline to my tank for worms and he's mowing them rascals, looks like he's going to explode his belly is so full. neat swimmer also. just a thought! -sawsman
  11. sawsman

    Fluval 404 For 75 Reef?

    I like my fluval. I run chemi pure in one of the trays and a u.v. on the discharge - works great in my opinion! some dont prefer canisters but I've had good sucess with them, you just have to keep them clean and its really not too much work. sawsman