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  1. sawsman

    Is this Normal??

    If I read that right thats not even a total of!! Tank is very young, hasnt matured yet. You might want to take him back so he can get some light or upgrade your lighting or he will surely die.
  2. sawsman

    Is this Normal??

    You will definately need to get your nitrate and ammonia as close to zero as possible and you may also need better lighting (5 watts per gal) and maybe some more filtration (at least a 10x turnover). I'm not familiar with the additive that your putting in your tank but I would think twice before...
  3. sawsman

    New Addition to the 75 Gallon Reef

    Great pics JCarter! I have the exact same lighting set up only its on a 55, VERY COOL!
  4. sawsman

    Chicken wire vs Eggcrate

    Yea- unless your chicken wire is stainless steel I wouldnt use it. Its too flimsy also.
  5. sawsman

    Is this Normal??

    Hi Jzuse, First of all it dosent look very healthy. A few questions for you: 1. How long have you had it? 2. What kind of lighting and filtration do you have? 3. How often do you do water changes? 4. What are your calcium and alk levels? 5. What do you mean by stimulating it? Answers to these...
  6. sawsman

    UV on reef?

    I have never heard of anyones tank doing worse after adding a UV. I use a turbo twist on the discharge of my fluval 304. I have a 55gal RT and have not seen any ill effects since adding it. If anything I have seen an improvement in algae reduction and the general well being of all tank...
  7. sawsman

    another question

    I dont know if it is "normal" or not, but my RBTA's were getting deformed (kinked) tentacles before I started to feed them. I now feed once a week and sometimes once every other week. They no longer have any deformed tentacles. I dont know for sure if this is feeding related. My water quality...
  8. sawsman

    NEW TANK ALGAE help me pleasseeee

    Good plan! good luck and keep us posted.
  9. sawsman

    NEW TANK ALGAE help me pleasseeee

    Are you using RO water? add some Mexican Turbo snails, they love algae and yes a Yellow Tang will browse all day long. GOOD LUCK! -sawsman
  10. sawsman

    green finger leather

    Sounds good. Everythings been doing so well lately I just figured the filter food was part of the reason why. I will keep it at a minimum though...I'm crazy when it comes to water quality! drive my co-workers nuts probably. I work with all types of water at my job. Thanks again.
  11. sawsman

    green finger leather

    Thanks murph145, I've been feeding one tsp of kent phytoplex once a week (like to keep this stuff at a minimum). I'll probably continue this as I also keep some shrooms. appreciate your advice. -sawsman
  12. sawsman

    55 Gal Clean up crew

    cleanup crew in my 55 gal. 4 Astrea snails 6 Turbo snails 4 Blueleg hermits 3 Scarlet hermits 3 Zebra hermits 1 Skunk cleaner shrimp They have all been in the tank for a year- havent lost any and all is well.
  13. sawsman

    green finger leather

    I did a search for info on a green finger leather coral. I found there to be conflicting answers about feeding them, some say yes and some no. I have recently been told to not feed my green star polyps and now am wondering about the finger leather. so my question is... do you feed a green...
  14. sawsman

    Green Star Polyps

    I guess I'll stop trying to feed them then, they're just doing so well I figured it was helping. Thanks for the info ViPer!
  15. sawsman

    Green Star Polyps

    my green stars will close/retract once about every two weeks or so but they wont stay closed for longer than eight hours. I spot feed mine phytoplankton once a week and then zooplankton once a week. they have doubled in size in about five months. I do have MH lighting on a 55 gal and the polyps...
  16. sawsman

    little red swimming worms???

  17. sawsman

    Suggestions For Additional Fish

    I havent heard that angels are hard to keep. I've had my Coral Beauty for ten months and its doing great! I also have a Royal Grama and he's doing excellent also. A small shoal of green chromis would be neat, I like they way they swim together. any of these fish are great choices in my opinion.
  18. sawsman

    Suggestions For Additional Fish

    You probably should not get another tang. one tang for that size of a tank is plenty and some will say you need at least a 75 gal. I would go with an angel fish- Coral Beauty or a Flame Angel as they both are "hardy" IMO and they both are colorful. -sawsman
  19. sawsman

    Looking for new Test Kits...Help

    Aquarium Systems Sea Test kits manufacturer of Instant Ocean. Thier Cal kit is a titration test kit but I'm not sure of the other kits.
  20. sawsman

    lowering salinity
